April 2019 to March 2020 business appointment rules
Updated 27 March 2025
Applies to England
Transparency information about outside appointments or employment taken up by former members of the Department for Education at senior civil servant (SCS) band 1 and SCS band 2 level and equivalents (including special advisers of equivalent standing), and which fall within the scope of the business appointment rules.
January to March 2020
Full name of applicant: Helen Walker
Title of former Civil Service role: Chief Technology Officer
Date left or retired from the Civil Service: 5 January 2020
Date of new appointment or employment: 6 January 2020
New employer and job title: RM Education, Operations Director
Department’s decision on application (including details of any waiting period or other conditions or restrictions applied): We have considered this application and see no reason why Helen should not take up post with RM Education.
October to December 2019
Full name of applicant: Jon Yates
Title of former Civil Service role: Special advisor
Date left or retired from the Civil Service: 24 July 2019
Date of new appointment or employment: 4 November 2019
New employer and job title: Youth Endowment Trust, Executive Director
Department’s decision on application (including details of any waiting period or other conditions or restrictions applied): Approved - given the information provided (including the gap between Jon leaving his position and the proposed starting date of the new post) we see no issue in him taking up this appointment.
July to September 2019
During the period July to September 2019, the Department for Education did not issue any decisions on applications submitted under the business appointment rules.
April to June 2019
Full name of applicant: Catherine Christie
Title of former Civil Service role: Deputy Director Central Intervention
Date left or retired from the Civil Service: 1 October 2018
Date of new appointment or employment: 24 June 2019
New employer and job title: Richard Huish Sixth Form College, Operations Director
Department’s decision on application (including details of any waiting period or other conditions or restrictions applied): The part-time role in advising on risk management is not commercially sensitive and Catherine would have had no expectation of it in her previous role in the agency.