Diabetic eye screening: patient choice and transfer
Guidance for when a person with diabetes chooses to be screened by a different diabetic eye screening (DES) service from the one their GP is linked to.
This guidance explains what needs to happen when changes are made to a person’s DES programme if it is different from the one their GP is linked to. It is for:
- local screening services
- GPs
- local commissioners
It outlines the risks when a person with diabetes does not use the screening provider linked with their GP practice and what needs to happen to mitigate these risks.
This publication was previously published by Public Health England, which closed on 30 September 2021.
Updates to this page
Removed screening helpdesk information. Added clarification that publication was previously published by Public Health England. Changed lead organisation.
Revised and updated information on digital first providers. Converted to HTML.
First published.