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Digital Markets Board Committee (DMBC) terms of reference

Published 25 July 2024


1 . The purpose of the Digital Markets Board Committee (“DMBC”) is to oversee and take delegated decisions on the non-reserved digital market functions[footnote 1] under the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 (“ERRA13”), Schedule 4, paragraph 29 (2A) inserted by the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024 (the “Act”) (as and when the Act takes effect) as set out in these terms of reference. Prior to the Act coming into force, the DMBC will also undertake exploratory work to prepare for its decision-making responsibilities as set out in the Act.


2 . The DMBC is a decision-making committee of the CMA Board established pursuant to ERRA13, Schedule 4, paragraph 29 (1)(b).

3 . The DMBC is authorised to obtain advice (including legal advice) on any matters within its terms of reference and to arrange for the attendance of persons with relevant experience and expertise who are not CMA employees, if it considers it appropriate.

Scope of the DMBC’s work

4 . The DMBC is authorised by the CMA Board to oversee and take decisions and any preparatory or necessary work in relation to the digital markets functions set out in the ERRA13, Schedule 4 paragraph 29(2A) (as and when the same take effect). The DMBC is also authorised to take certain enforcement decisions as set out in the CMA Board’s authorisations in relation to the delegation of functions.

5 . The scope of the DMBC also includes taking decisions, as appropriate, in relation to the operation, the performance and delivery of the digital markets regime’s functions.

6 . The DMBC may establish sub-committees whose membership shall be drawn from the membership of the DMBC.  Any such sub-committees shall:

  • be authorised by the DMBC to take any decision[footnote 2] which the DMBC is permitted to make (except in respect of the DMBC’s decision to delegate decision making to a sub-committee ie a sub-committee must not further delegate decision making)
  • unless otherwise provided, operate in accordance with the Terms of Reference set out in either Annex one or Annex 2 (as appropriate) to this document [footnote 3]

7 . The DMBC shall remain accountable to the CMA Board for the work of any sub-committee.


8 . The DMBC shall be comprised of the following members:

  • CMA Chair
  • 5 x Non-Executive Directors of the Board
  • one x Panel Member
  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Executive Director, Digital Markets
  • Executive Director, Competition Enforcement
  • Executive Director, Mergers

9 . The Chief Economic Adviser or Deputy Chief Economic Adviser and General Counsel or Deputy General Counsel will attend meetings in an advisory capacity. The Chief Data Technology and Insight Officer will also attend.

10 . CMA staff may also attend all or part of a DMBC meeting at the invitation of the DMBC.

11 . The CMA Board will:

  • appoint the Chair of the DMBC and a Deputy Chair
  • appoint the Non-Executive Directors to the DMBC, in consultation with (i) the DMBC Chair (if they are not also the CMA Chair) and (ii) the CEO
  • appoint the Panel Member to the DMBC in consultation with (i) the DMBC Chair (if they are not also the CMA Chair), (ii) the CEO and (iii) the Chair of the Panel

12 . In considering these appointments, the CMA Board will give due consideration to their suitability and availability, alongside any potential conflicts of interest.

13 . A quorum for the DMBC shall be 5 members for all matters which fall within scope of the DMBC’s remit, with the exception of decisions relating to enforcement matters where the quorum shall be 3. [footnote 4]

14 . Any quorum must include:

  • (i) at least two members of the Board who are not members of the CMA’s staff or (ii) the CMA Chair and at least one member of the Board who is not a member of the CMA’s staff
  • at least half of the members must be (i) members of the Board who are not members of the CMA’s staff, or (ii) members of the CMA panel


15 . Meetings of the DMBC shall take place as and when (but at least quarterly) and must be minuted.

16 . A forward programme of scheduled meetings is maintained by the DMBC and sub-committee(s) supporting staff and is circulated to the DMBC members in advance of the meetings.

17 . A member of the DMBC may participate by telephone or videoconferencing facility and be deemed to be present and constitute part of the DMBC for that meeting. Any member of the DMBC who is not present or who leaves a meeting prior to the conclusion of a meeting shall be taken to be a non-participating member for the purpose of a decision taken after the time of departure.

Offline decisions

18 . More urgent matters and decisions may be considered offline (e.g. conducted via email, telephone or an online platform) but decisions may only be taken if the quorum is met. Offline decisions will be coordinated by staff supporting the DMBC.


19 . All persons appointed as members of the DMBC have voting rights, both in DMBC meetings and for any DMBC decisions made offline. All DMBC members will seek to make decisions by consensus. Where decisions are made by the DMBC, they shall be made by ordinary resolution. In the case of equal votes the DMBC Chair, or, in their absence, the Deputy Chair, shall have a second or casting vote.


20 . DMBC minutes will be provided to the CMA Board for its information.


21 . Members of the DMBC will:

  • have regard to the CMA’s policy on conflicts of interest
  • review before each meeting whether there are any interests which may conflict with their duties as members or the DMBC or where a potential new conflict may need declaring before a meeting and if so, disclose them to the supporting DMBC staff and, where appropriate, the CMA Compliance Officer
  • be asked by the Chair of the DMBC at each meeting to confirm they have carried out such a review and made such disclosure
  • not participate in any activity of the DMBC in relation to which they believe they have a conflict or possible conflict of interest without the consent of the Compliance Officer, who will consult with the General Counsel as appropriate


22 . These terms of reference will be reviewed within one year of operation and thereafter at the DMBC’s discretion. Any changes considered necessary will be recommended to the CMA Board for approval.

Version control

23 . These terms of reference were last updated on 19 June 2024.

  1. Certain digital markets functions are reserved to the CMA Board under the new Act and cannot be delegated (ie launching an initial SMS investigation, launching a further SMS investigation, and commencing a PCI investigation) (the ERRA, Sch 4 paragraph 29 (2) (g) – (i) (once the same come into force)). 

  2. This may include making decisions in respect of those digital functions referred to under the ERRA13, Schedule 4, Part 2, paragraph 29(2A), but shall not include those digital markets functions which are solely reserved to the CMA Board to decide upon. 

  3. For the avoidance of doubt, any Sub-Committee established by the DMBC to take decisions on enforcement matters must have at least 3 members appointed to the Sub-Committee. Any other Sub-Committee established by the DMBC must have at least five appointed members. 

  4. Enforcement matters relates to (i) those matters referred to under Schedule 4, Part 2, paragraph 29 (2A)(e), (f), (g), (l) and (m) of ERRA13, (ii) decisions in relation to whether a firm has breached a competition requirement, and (iii) decisions regarding the imposition of a Final Offer Order.”