Direct Air Capture and Greenhouse Gas Removal Innovation Programme (closed to applications)
This competition provides funding for developing technologies that enable the removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere in the UK.
In June 2020 the Prime Minister announced up to £100 million of new research and development funding to help develop direct air capture (DAC) technologies in the UK. As part of this, the innovation competition seeks to support the development of Greenhouse Gas Removals (GGR) technologies to help them achieve commercialisation. To meet net zero by 2050 direct air capture and other greenhouse gas removals technologies are necessary to offset emissions from hard to tackle areas, such as parts of the agriculture and aviation sectors.
Phase 1
Phase 1 of the DAC and GGR Innovation Programme is now complete. Read summaries of the 23 successful projects.
The Phase 1 reports describe the design and feasibility for the successful GGR technology projects. The projects received up to £250,000 each, and the studies started in April 2021.
Phase 2
Phase 2 closed to applications on 27 January 2022. Only successful Phase 1 applicants could be considered for further funding in Phase 2.
Phase 2 of the competition takes forward the most promising designs from Phase 1, to pilot key components or further develop the design of the new direct air capture and other greenhouse gas removals technologies.
Updates to this page
Phase 2 projects winners announced.
Added Phase 1 reports from successful projects.
Questions raised during the course of the competition responded to in new page added here.
Phase 2 is now open to applications. Only successful Phase 1 applicants can apply.
We have published details of the projects selected for Phase 1.
Competition questions and answers document added. Application form, finance form, workbook, declarations and guidance updated.
Competition launched.
First published.