
Dispatch of exam scripts: yellow label service

Information for exams officers about using the Parcelforce Worldwide yellow label service to dispatch exam scripts for general qualifications.


Secure deliveries leaflet

Yellow label service checklist

Dispatch log

Dispatch of exam scripts guide


The way that local authorities collect domestic and commercial waste in England is changing, to improve recycling. Please refer to the summary of implementation dates for non-domestic premises, which include examination centres.

Please note that all plastic wrapping used by the yellow label service is Low Density Polyethylene, even if it is not labelled as such. Until the above-mentioned changes are implemented, please recycle the plastic wrapping and any cardboard used to pack your examination materials using appropriate facilities, such as your local supermarket.

The yellow label service is a traceable exam scripts dispatch service provided by Parcelforce Worldwide. Exam centres can use the service to send unmarked materials to examiners. It covers the following materials for externally assessed general qualifications, functional skills and other eligible accredited qualifications:

  • exam scripts
  • coursework
  • controlled assessments

This service offers a high level of security for pre-arranged collections from exam centres.

Awarding organisations will provide the appropriate stationery to package test materials if the qualification is eligible for this service.

The service cannot be used to send internally marked coursework to moderators.

There is currently a moratorium in place for any new technical and applied qualifications entering the yellow label service.

Updates to this page

Published 20 March 2014
Last updated 21 April 2023 show all updates
  1. Updated dispatch of exam scripts guide for 2023.

  2. Removed the YSL list of qualifications which was no longer required - updated wording on page to clarify that awarding organisations will provide the appropriate stationery where appropriate.

  3. Updated Yellow Label Service GOV.UK products (attached) to include the contact details of a new awarding organisation NCFE.

  4. Updated Yellow Label Service list of qualifications.

  5. Documents have been updated to reflect 2020/21 school year

  6. Yellow Label Service list of qualifications updated.

  7. Added updated version of the checklists, dispatch of exam scripts guide, dispatch log and list of qualifications. Secure deliveries leaflet added to page.

  8. New version of dispatch log added.

  9. Yellow Label Service list of qualifications updated.

  10. YLS list of qualifications updated.

  11. The list of qualifications has been updated.

  12. Change to phone number for enquiries

  13. Amended guidance for dispatching materials before the summer half-term.

  14. First published.

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