Transparency data

DLUHC register of board members’ interests

Updated 17 May 2024

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Board and Non-Ministerial Board members are asked to declare any interests or related party interests that are relevant to the work of the department as well as all remunerated outside employment, work and appointments whether relevant or not. Mitigation plans are in place for any perceived, potential or actual conflicts of interest.

Ministers’ interests are recorded and published by the Cabinet Office.

Officials who are members of the Board or Non-Ministerial Board

Sarah Healey - Permanent Secretary

  • Trustee, Patchwork Foundation

Catherine Frances - Director General

  • No declared interests

Will Garton - Director General

  • No declared interests

Richard Goodman - Director General

  • No declared interests

Jo Key - Director General

  • No declared interests

Matt Thurstan - Director General

  • No declared interests

Brendan Threlfall - Director General

  • No declared interests

Kate O’Neill - Director

  • No declared interests

Jo Rodrigues - Director

  • No declared interests

Claire Metcalfe - Director

  • Secondary employment with HM Court and Tribunal Service as Non-Legal Employment Tribunal Panel Member for London (South)

Nick Coligan - Director

  • No declared interests