Making your small paying guest accommodation safe from fire
How to comply with fire safety law for those responsible for safety in paying guest accommodation in small premises.
This guide is for people responsible for fire safety in paying guest accommodation that has:
- a simple layout
- limited fire risks
- a small number of bedrooms designated as guest sleeping accommodation for short-term lets
For example, a small bed and breakfast, guest house or self-catering accommodation.
It includes:
- guidance on complying with fire safety law
- a fire risk assessment checklist
For other types of paying guest accommodation, use the fire safety risk assessment: sleeping accommodation guide.
This guide has been published by the Secretary of State under Article 50 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) to assist responsible persons in meeting their duties under the FSO.
Updates to this page
Published 30 March 2023Last updated 20 January 2025 + show all updates
Updated the 'Making your small paying guest accommodation safe from fire' guide. A full list of change can be found in the guide.
First published.