
Domestic abuse: get help during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak (translations and easy read version)

Guidance for people without English as a first language about how to get help if you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse.

This publication was withdrawn on

This translated guidance and easy read version have been superseded. Updated translated guidance is available at Domestic abuse: how to get help. Download the updated easy read version.


Easy read version

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Arabic: العنف المنزلي: كیفیة الحصول على المساعدة

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Farsi: خشونت ھای خانوادگی: چگونه

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French: Violences domestiques : obtenir de l'aide

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Italian: Violenza domestica: come chiedere aiuto

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Mandarin: 家庭虐待:如何寻求帮助

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Polish: Przemoc domowa: jak uzyskać pomoc

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Romanian: Violența domestică: cum să obțineți ajutor

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Spanish: Abuso doméstico: cómo conseguir ayuda

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Somali: Xadgudubka qoyska: sidee caawimaad loo helaa

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Urdu: گھریلو تشدد: کیسے مدد حاصل کریں

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If you feel at risk of abuse, there is help and support available to you, including the police, online support, helplines and refuges. You can find translated information about these and other services on this page.

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Updates to this page

Published 26 June 2020
Last updated 13 August 2020 + show all updates
  1. Added easy read version.

  2. First published.

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