Domestic violence and abuse: help from DWP
A guide for domestic violence and abuse victims about services from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
This guide provides information for victims of domestic violence and abuse about the services and support offered by DWP.
This includes special conditions for:
- Housing Benefit
- Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Employment and Support Allowance
- Universal Credit
- the benefit cap
- removal of the spare room subsidy
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- migrant partner support
Find out more about your rights if you’re a victim of domestic violence and abuse.
Updates to this page
'Rapid advances' are known as 'new claims advances'.
Section 10 of the guidance about the Child Maintenance Service application fee has been removed as there is no longer a fee.
If you’ve left an abusive relationship and claim Universal Credit, your work coach can help you to open a new claim as a single claimant. From this moment your ex-partner will not have access to any information about your new claim. You can also get a rapid advance of up to 100% of your expected Universal Credit monthly entitlement. You may get a decision on the same day.
Updated the section on the removal of the spare room subsidy. From 1 October 2021, Universal Credit and Housing benefit claimants may be exempt from the removal of the spare room subsidy if they have a sanctuary scheme applied to their property.
Removed Universal Credit waiting days and Universal Credit for 18 to 21 year olds information as both no longer relevant.
First published.