Draft Media Bill: RPC Opinion (Green-rated)
Regulatory Policy Committee opinion on DCMS' Draft Media Bill IAs
The Department is seeking to introduce a range of measures, through the Media Bill, to ensure that the British television and radio broadcasting landscape both reflects current challenges and is better prepared for future ones. The draft Bill, and Impact Assessment, are currently at Pre-Legislative Scrutiny (PLS). To assist PLS, the RPC publishes its opinion on the draft Bill IA.
The overarching IA is now fit for purpose after being revised in response to the RPC’s initial review notice (IRN).
As originally submitted, the overarching IA was not fit for purpose due to insufficient indicative assessments and unjustified assumptions. The Department has now undertaken an appropriate consideration of the impacts arising from the range of measures included in the overarching IA, in line with RPC guidance on primary legislation IAs. The Small and Micro Business Assessment (SaMBA) is sufficient at this stage but could be strengthened through exploring the likely benefits to SMBs arising from the measures.
The RPC looks forward to re-assessing the IA post PLS but prior to the Bill’s introduction.
Opinions on IAs on various elements of the bill are also provided here along with the link to the IAs.