Drug quality assurance database (PharmaQC) information
How to use PharmaQC to access pharmaceutical suppliers, Quality Control (QC) pharmacists and Commercial Medicines Unit (CMU) buyers.
The PharmaQC database provides information about products on offer for tender so they can be assessed by QC pharmacists and CMU buyers.
Pharmaceutical suppliers can enter details of their individual products offered for tender on the PharmaQC supplier website.
QC pharmacists can then quality assess the products available and search across all supplier products using the PharmaQC trusts website. Buyers can also assess supply chain risks by reviewing data.
Accessing the PharmaQC websites
You will need to use the Internet Explorer (IE) browser to access the websites.
The sites are designed to work with IE 8.0 only. If you have a more recent version of IE, you can access the sites in ‘compatability view’. To do this, in IE:
- click the ‘Tools’ button
- click ‘Compatability View settings’
- under ‘Add this website’ enter cmu.nhs.uk and click ‘Add’
- make sure the 2 check boxes at the bottom of the screen are ticked
- reload the page or try the link again to view the login screen
Updates to this page
Updated the PharmaQC user guide to reflect an operational change in procedure: suppliers should now upload images for assessment purposes instead of sending physical samples.
Updated PharmaQC user guide and added instructions for accessing the PharmaQC websites.
First published.