Dstl quality requirements
Standards of quality for all aspects of our business, including all products, services and advice delivered to our customers and stakeholders.
Dstl’s quality policy puts the customer at the heart of our business and helps us achieve our strategic direction and objectives.
It sets out:
- how we take a consistent, systematic and professional approach to all aspects of our business
- the standards our customers can expect from our products and services
- quality requirements for suppliers and others who work with us
We have clear strategies, policies and processes, so our customers can be confident about what we will deliver and when, including meeting expectations on cost.
We work with hundreds of suppliers and partners from industry, academia and government. This policy also explains the quality standards we expect from those who are working alongside us.
Our approach to quality management and assurance has been independently assessed through an external certification body. Although it’s beneficial, suppliers and others working with us do not have to have these certifications, as long as you can demonstrate you meet the requirements of our quality policy.
ISO 9001 certificate
Dstl’s certification to ISO 9001:2015 shows our commitment to meeting our customers and stakeholder requirements in a consistent and systematic way. You can view our ISO 9001 certificate at the bsi website by searching our certificate number 713762.
TickITplus certificate
Dstl’s TickITplus (foundation level) certification shows our commitment to meeting our customers’ modelling and/or software requirements, assuring a consistent and systematic approach to the acquisition, development, use and release of software. You can view our TickITplus certificate at the bsi website by searching our certificate number 713763.
If you have any questions or comments about our quality requirements or anything else, please email centralenquiries@dstl.gov.uk or call 01980 950000
Updates to this page
Updated policy on 14 June 2024 and reviewed again 4 November 2024.
Added email and phone number details.
Fully updated version of Dstl's quality policy.
Updated quality certificates.
An updated Quality Policy was added.
Removing ISO 14001 certificate as it no longer applies.
ISO certificates have been updated to include new Dstl sites.
We have replaced the quality policy document.
First published.