
Serapis framework

Updated 12 July 2024

The Serapis framework enables Dstl, MOD and the frontline commands to quickly and efficiently place contracts for scientific and technical research and development.

Serapis focuses on developing and bringing into operation new and battle-winning capabilities in:

  • C4ISR (command, control, computers, communication, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance)
  • space systems
  • synthetic environments
  • simulation technology to support human capability development

The framework is divided into 6 lots, each led by a separate prime (main contractor):

Key features of the Serapis framework

This framework is particularly aimed at enabling Dstl to gain access to the most diverse expertise and talent available, especially suppliers who have not traditionally worked in defence, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and academia.

The Serapis framework ends in July 2025.

Suppliers: how to work with us through the Serapis framework

If you are a supplier interested in carrying out work for Dstl, MOD and the frontline commands, through any of the Serapis framework lots, please contact the lot leads directly.

You may also want to look for Serapis opportunities on the Defence Sourcing Portal.

Customers: using the Serapis framework to deliver your S&T requirements

Please email Dstl commercial services at and we will confirm whether the requirement is ‘in scope’. If so we will provide you with a Serapis task number and other information you will need to task the prime contractor/lot lead.

Costs will include effort required for technical work, support from the programme management office to support the shaping of your requirement, identifying the team to carry out the work, and management and technical oversight.

Lot 1: Collect

Prime contractor: Roke Manor


  • development and integration of new ISTAR ‘Collect’ technology and techniques
  • broad range of conventional and novel sensing technology (including gravity and biometric sensing)
  • Open Source (OSINT) and HUMINT data and information collection capabilities


Lot 2: Space

Prime contractor: BAE Systems Applied Intelligence

Covers all aspects of defence and security space systems including:

  • underpinning enabling services such as space-specific analysis
  • fundamental and applied space research
  • design and manufacture of space equipment and subsystems
  • space launch and range
  • through-life operation of satellites including ground stations
  • terrestrial-based space systems like those used for surveillance of space
  • application of space systems for defence and security benefit and exploitation


Lot 3: Decide

Prime contractor: QinetiQ


  • development, testing, and evaluation of novel command and control (C2) systems to improve decision making, including the human and autonomous (machine) system elements
  • development of novel agile, adaptive and resilient C2 concepts for operation in constrained, degraded, or denied environments


Lot 4: Assured information infrastructure

Prime contractor: QinetiQ

Covers the development of C4ISR communications and networks including:

  • exploiting and driving emerging concepts and technology in military and civilian communications infrastructure
  • development of policy, technology and architectural options for the provision of assured information
  • information management and exploitation


Lot 5: Simulation and synthetic environments

Prime contractor: NSC


  • development of synthetic environments, modelling and simulation
  • associated tools and assessment processes to allow defence to train, exercise and prepare for operation and to test, evaluate and assess the performance of military capabilities and the C4ISR enterprise
  • enhance and sustain capability to exploit of SSEs across all defence applications


Lot 6: Understand

Prime contractor: Frazer-Nash

Covers the development of data analytics and information processing tools and techniques in support of defence’s decision-making processes and techniques (covered in Lot 3), including the development and application of:

  • autonomy
  • artificial intelligence
  • machine learning
  • information and visualisation
  • human-machine interface development


Framework management

Dstl, as MOD category manager for science and technology (S&T), manages the Serapis Framework Agreement. The Dstl Framework Commercial Team can be contacted at