DVLA Diversity Objectives 2016 to 2020
Updated 4 April 2017
1. Introduction
We are committed to our responsibilities to meet the public sector duties and improve outcomes for the protected groups described in the Equality Act 2010.
We have committed to preparing and publishing one or more objectives that we think we need to achieve to further any of the aims of the general equality duty. This needed to be done for the first time by 6 April 2012 and at least every four years thereafter. These equality objectives will help us provide evidence based outcomes and will be reviewed regularly and progress reported. Where evidence identifies a need for new or revised objectives, they will be provided.
Our diversity objectives demonstrate our ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion. We have drawn upon the outcomes of the Talent Action Plan, Civil Service Workforce Plan and DfT Inclusion Plan, identifying our own specific challenges in our local agency plan. These objectives will strengthen our performance of the general equality duty and demonstrate compliance with it.
The objectives are written in plain English. They list the evidence used to develop the objective, describe how progress will be measured and monitored and have clear outcomes. They have a clear link to the general duties and identify the key issues and steps to reduce any disadvantage identified. Individual timelines will show the relevant delivery and action dates.
1.1 Accessibility
The objectives are published on the external DVLA website and the internal intranet site. They are accessible through adaptive technology and the reader can change the formatting as needed. Copies can be requested in alternative formats.
1.2 Progress
Progress updates will be published quarterly.
2. DVLA Diversity Objective 1: To get the basics right
2.1 What we will do
We will provide guidance and support to our workforce.
2.2 The aim of this objective
The aim is to make guidance and policies available to those who need it.
2.3 The expected outcomes
Managers and staff will acquire a greater knowledge of diversity and inclusion and be more aware of where to find information and guidance to support them. There will be an improved knowledge of what constitutes negative behaviour and greater consistency in treatment of staff from minority groups. We will actively promote our Staff Networking Groups as enablers for change so staff will be more confident about raising concerns and seeing things change as a result. This will result in staff being more open to declaring their personal information.
2.4 Why we are doing this – evidence of key issues, engagement and information gathering
Evidence on staff views and experiences is collected through the annual Civil Service People Survey. In addition, information from the annual DVLA Staff Diversity Monitoring Reports shows that PDR appraisal markings for disabled, BAME and LGBT staff are lower than for staff not self-identifying in these groups. Information from the TUS, our Staff Networking Group meetings and individual group members, as well as inquiries and information from other staff and managers have also helped identify issues.
2.5 How this objective will be met
Activities relating to the achievement of this objective will be delivered as part of DVLA’s Diversity and Inclusion Plans.
2.6 How progress and achievement of outcomes will be measured
The annual Civil Service People Survey will continue to measure improvements. We will evaluate the effectiveness of activities and consult with the Staff Networking Groups, Champions and other stakeholders. The annual staff diversity monitoring report will show information on PDR results for staff who self-identify as disabled, BAME and LGBT.
3. DVLA Diversity Objective 2: To reach out to a more diverse audience
3.1 What we will do
We will actively engage with our Staff Networking Groups and build relationships with external support groups to understand the barriers faced by protected groups in gaining employment.
3.2 The aim of this objective
The aim is to maximise opportunity for people from minority groups to access employment in DVLA. To raise awareness of issues faced by protected groups; tackle negative stereotyping; provide education and support for staff their colleagues and managers. In relation to the general duties it will help eliminate discrimination and harassment, advance equality and foster good relations between protected groups.
3.3 The expected outcomes
This will create an increased opportunity to gain employment at DVLA. We will review our recruitment practices, gaining insight from protected groups and identify and break down the barriers to employment.
3.4 Why we are doing this – evidence of key issues, engagement and information gathering
Information from the annual DVLA Staff Diversity Monitoring Reports shows underrepresentation for certain protected groups. Current engagement activities with external support groups through our work placement programme have also helped identify issues.
3.5 How this objective will be met
Activities relating to the achievement of this objective will be delivered as part of DVLA’s Diversity and Inclusion Plans.
3.6 How progress and achievement of outcomes will be measured
The annual Civil Service People Survey will continue to measure improvements. We will evaluate the effectiveness of activities and consult with the Staff Networking Groups, Champions and other stakeholders. Our recruitment data will show information on applications from people who self-identify as disabled, BAME and LGBT.
4. DVLA Diversity Objective 3: To continue to improve our systems and processes
4.1 What we will do
We will actively engage with internal stakeholders and external support groups to identify and remove the barriers faced by different customer groups.
4.2 The aim of this objective
The aim is to raise awareness of issues faced by different customer groups, monitor customer complaints and work to embed equality principles into our services.
4.3 The expected outcomes
Managers and staff will acquire a greater knowledge of issues faced by customers from protected groups and be more aware of provisions that can be made to meet their needs. There will be an improved knowledge of what constitutes reasonable with regards to adjustments and greater consistency in treatment of customers who experience difficulty. Staff will be more confident about supporting customers with specific needs by receiving appropriate training on transgender, disability and Public Sector Equality Duty.
4.4 Why we are doing this – evidence of key issues, engagement and information gathering
More customers are telling us they have specific needs. Greater consideration is being given to how we can make our services simpler, better and safer for different customer groups.
4.5 How this objective will be met
Activities relating to the achievement of this objective will be delivered as part of DVLA’s Diversity and Inclusion Plans. We will conduct an analysis of customer complaints to highlight information on the experiences of different customer groups, where possible.
4.6 How progress and achievement of outcomes will be measured
We will evaluate the effectiveness of training provided to staff by monitoring customer complaints and completion of Equality Impact Assessments.
5. DVLA Diversity Objective 4: To provide development opportunities for all
5.1 What we will do
We will actively engage with our Staff Networking Groups and build relationships with external support groups to understand the barriers faced by staff groups in reaching their full potential.
5.2 The aim of this objective
The aim is to unlock the potential of our entire workforce by providing opportunity to those who want it. Work with our Staff Networking Groups to understand the barriers faced by the groups they represent, allowing them to thrive as enablers for change.
5.3 The expected outcomes
To create an increased opportunity to develop at DVLA for different staff groups. We will review our development opportunities, gaining insight from protected groups and identify and break down the barriers to gaining development opportunities.
5.4 Why we are doing this – evidence of key issues, engagement and information gathering
Evidence on staff views and experiences is collected through the annual Civil Service People Survey. In addition, information from the annual DVLA Staff Diversity Monitoring Reports shows different staff groups do better at different stages of the recruitment process.
5.5 How this objective will be met
Activities relating to the achievement of this objective will be delivered as part of DVLA’s Diversity and Inclusion Plans.
5.6 How progress and achievement of outcomes will be measured
The annual Civil Service People Survey will continue to measure improvements. We will evaluate the effectiveness of activities and consult with the Staff Networking Groups, Champions and other stakeholders. Our recruitment data will show information on progression for staff who self-identify as disabled, BAME and LGBT.