Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) vision to 2030
Published 4 April 2023
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
We’re delighted to share with you our vision to 2030. It sets out what we must do to make transport safer, greener and healthier. It’s also an invitation to you - our customers, our people and our partners - to join us on this journey. The economy, the environment and health are high priorities, and our relationships with you are vital to success.
Our vision sets out the guiding principles and what we must achieve to tackle the highest priority challenges.
In the first year, you’ll see us continuing to recover our services from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We must recover fully if we’re to move on to our ambitions. We must also actively support the Department for Transport’s Future of Transport programme and 5 strategic priorities.
Grow and level up the economy
The national supply chain relies on well-trained, skilled people. Job and education opportunities need to be fairly distributed. The economy needs safe, green and resilient road transport.
We help educate and qualify drivers and transport managers to deliver goods and services efficiently. DVSA regulates operators of those vehicles and driver trainers. Through targeted, intelligence-led enforcement, we protect the best in their class from unfair, unsafe competition. It’s exciting how technology and data and earned recognition schemes can help us put the right enforcement resources in the right place at the right time.
Improve transport for the user
We’ll improve our services and inform and educate the public and business. When people trust DVSA, based on their experience of working with us, then they follow our guidance. Their compliance frees up the emergency services and our enforcement teams.
We can improve everyone’s wellbeing by providing safety from collisions, poor air quality and corner-cutting businesses. More welcoming streets make cycling and walking more attractive.
Reduce environmental impacts
Of the UK emissions that harm the global climate, about a quarter are from road transport. So our standards are fuel-efficient and our ambition is net zero carbon contribution. The warming climate is having a devastating impact, causing extreme weather, disease and damage to infrastructure. Emissions and particulates from driving damage public health and burden our health services. We must promote low and zero-emission vehicles, cycling, walking and public transport.
We’ll also reduce DVSA’s environmental impacts to contribute to the department’s Greening Government Commitments.
Increase our global impact
The creation of new transport markets is essential to stimulate innovation. By leading the way in things like legalising safe self-driving technologies, Britain can reap the benefits and learn the lessons first. That will also create countless direct and spin-off products with global markets.
Be an excellent agency
Implementing our vision is dependent on having the right resources and capabilities. The detail of our plans over the next few years will depend on our funding from fees and on future government spending reviews. The civil service will be challenged over its size and shape. DVSA will not be exempt from that challenge.
We have a track record of providing services while becoming more efficient. Over the last 5 years, we’ve made £50.8 million of efficiency savings.
2022 was the year of our departmental review and we’re determined to use that same drive for continuous improvement. We’ll make the most of our resources, creativity, data, technology and diverse, professional team.
We’ll always keep improving customer service and we’ll nurture the trust of our partners. We’re determined to become an even more inclusive place to work, to better represent the diversity of our customers and communities. We hope our people feel proud to work with us towards this vision. We want them to progress and to feel valued and rewarded.
So, let’s keep Britain moving, safely and sustainably, together.
Nick Bitel
DVSA Non-Executive Chair
Loveday Ryder
DVSA Chief Executive
1. Who we are
We’re the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA). We’re an executive agency of the Department for Transport. And we help you stay safe on Britain’s roads.
We’re responsible for things like:
- carrying out theory tests and driving tests for people who want to drive cars, motorcycles, heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), buses and coaches, and specialist vehicles
- approving people to be driving instructors and motorcycle trainers
- approving training courses for qualified drivers, such as Driver CPC courses for HGV, bus and coach drivers, and drink-drive rehabilitation courses
- approving people and businesses to be MOT testers and centres, and testing HGVs and buses ourselves
- checking risky commercial drivers and vehicles, remotely and at the roadside, to make sure they follow safety rules
- monitoring recalls of vehicles to make sure that manufacturers fix problems
- licensing and monitoring companies who operate goods vehicles, buses and coaches
Who we work with
We work closely with these industries:
- driver and rider training
- road haulage and passenger transport
- vehicle manufacturing
Among others, we work with these government colleagues:
- the Traffic Commissioners for Great Britain and the Transport Regulation Unit in Northern Ireland - they license and regulate those operating heavy goods vehicles, buses and coaches
- Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) - they’re responsible for vehicle tax, vehicle registration and for issuing driving licences
- the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) - they’re responsible for testing and certifying new vehicles for use on UK roads, to international standards
- the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) - they’re shaping the safe and secure introduction of connected and self-driving vehicles
- National Highways - they manage England’s motorways and major A roads
- Health and Safety Executive - they regulate workplaces, plant and equipment
- Active Travel England - they promote cycling and walking, and better designed street environments
- Environment Agency - they regulate major industry and waste
- police - they enforce the law and keep order, including working with us on intelligence and enforcement operations
We’re at a pivotal moment in history. We’re recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, and we face huge challenges to make transport greener and safer.
The challenges of this decade demand that we’re more than just a road safety agency. We’ll only meet them if we work effectively with our customers and partners.
What we’ve achieved since April 2017

Find out how we achieved these results in our annual reviews.
2. Why we must act
We face several challenges to make road transport safer, greener and healthier. These challenges affect us all - and meeting them will take the collective effort of DVSA and all our partners.
Our vision to 2030
Keeping Britain moving, safely and sustainably
1. Make roads safer
The challenge
We must reduce the number of people killed and injured on Great Britain’s roads. Between 2017 and 2020, an average of 1,697 people were killed on our roads each year. And a further 148,385 are either seriously or slightly injured each year.
Why it matters
Road safety affects us all. Collisions cause devastating impacts on families and communities. They put the NHS and emergency services under pressure. And they cause delays to journeys, stopping people and goods moving freely and on time.
2. Improve services for our customers
The challenge
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted our services. We must not only recover our services, but we must make them better than they were before. We should be clear and keep things simple. And, all the time, we must make our services more efficient and better value.
Why it matters
Our customers pay for our services. They rightly expect them to be efficient and effective and designed around them. The diversity of our team should represent that of customers. When we listen to our customers, see their side, and provide the services they need, they trust us and follow our advice to help them stay safe.
3. Make road transport greener and healthier
The challenge
Road transport needs to be greener and healthier. We must help to end the UK’s contribution to climate change by becoming net zero. We must improve the quality of air in our communities by reducing particulate matter from road transport. And we must make towns and cities safer, encouraging people to make the healthier choice to walk or cycle.
Why it matters
Climate change will continue if we do not act. This will affect everyone, through things like our health, food supplies, extreme weather and mass migration. Air quality is the biggest environmental factor affecting public health. It affects children and older people the most, causing disease and premature death. Our country’s obesity rates are also storing up future problems for people and the NHS.
4. Harness the potential of technology and data
The challenge
We’re on the cusp of a transport revolution, where about 1 in 8 new cars sold in 2030 could have self-driving features. To help people stay safe, we need to make sure they have the confidence to use these new cars. The revolution will bring an unprecedented quantity and quality of new data.
Why it matters
Electric and self-driving vehicles, and connected vehicles and roads promise to keep us safer from injury, death, pollution and climate change. They can also improve the efficiency of roads and supply chains. The data revolution can transform our efficiency and services.
5. Grow and level up the economy
The challenge
The economy was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Right now, where you live affects your chances of getting on. We must improve the efficiency of roads and driving, reduce delays from collisions, give people fairer access to opportunity, and maintain the driving workforce.
Why it matters
Economic growth is driven by increasing employment and productivity, and efficient supply chains. The health of the economy affects the cost of living for everyone in the country. And talent is spread equally across our country, but opportunity is not. We must help to change that.
The pace of change in road transport
Cities, including Bristol and Bradford, start charging vehicles to drive in clean air zones if they exceed emission standards.
Speed limit on residential streets in Wales will reduce from 30mph to 20mph.
Review of bus accessibility regulations to improve accessibility and encourage more bus use.
Zero-emission vehicle mandate begins - more of manufacturers’ new car sales must be zero-emission.
e-scooter trials end.
2% of new cars sold could have self-driving capabilities.
Government car and van fleet is entirely zero-emission.
10 million battery electric vehicles on the road, with 300,000 public charge points
Ban on sale of new fully petrol or diesel cars.
12% of all new cars sold could have self-driving capabilities.
Half of all journeys in towns and cities to be made by walking or cycling.
All new cars sold must be zero emission.
40% of all new cars sold could have self-driving capabilities.
End sale of all non-zero emission vehicles, including motorcycles, HGVs and buses.
3. What we must do
We must do things differently, more efficiently and better to make road transport safer, greener and healthier. The challenges we face demand nothing less.
We’ll do this by making sure our services are focused on addressing those challenges. We’ll transform our services to be more efficient, simpler to use, and provide the outcomes that make the biggest difference to society.

Set standards, assess and test

Standards work when they are current, relevant, clear and practical. Because only then are they trusted and truly effective. When standards work like this, and the risks are acceptable, there’s flexibility in who assesses and tests whether people meet the standards. We can be flexible about how that’s done, and where, which will improve our services.
What we do now
- set standards for safe driving
- carry out theory tests in partnership with private suppliers
- carry out driving tests
- carry out MOTs for heavy goods vehicles, buses and trailers
- carry out specialist tests for HGVs, buses and trailers
- carry out vehicle approval tests for vehicles manufactured or imported in small numbers
- set standards for MOT testers and approved driving instructors
What we must do by 2030
We must:
- adapt driving standards for vehicles with self-driving features
- adapt theory tests and driving tests for vehicles with self-driving features
- make it more convenient to take theory tests and driving tests
- review the MOT model for HGVs, buses and trailers
- make sure vehicle approval tests allow new vehicle technology to be trialled and rolled out across the country
- make the best use of data and technology to improve standards of MOT testing and driving instruction
License and accredit, regulate and enforce

You want to be able to get on and run your business. And you need us to recognise you officially so your customers know you’re qualified and responsible - perhaps even among the best in your class. You need us to identify anyone competing in your market unfairly and dangerously and, where we must, to stop and even prosecute them.
What we do now
- approve driving instructors and motorcycle instructors
- approve courses for qualified drivers, including Driver CPC for HGV, bus and coach drivers, and drink-drive rehabilitation courses
- approve MOT centres and MOT testers for cars, vans and motorcycles
- support the Traffic Commissioners for Great Britain to license and monitor goods vehicle and public service vehicle operators
- carry out roadside checks on commercial vehicle drivers
- visit vehicle operator premises
- recognise and endorse products that improve road safety
What we must do by 2030
We must:
- regulate ever more efficiently and effectively how we harness the potential of data, to give people and businesses confidence
- build trust - if we approve, accredit or regulate something, people will feel they can rely on it
- identify best-in-class businesses - for example, with earned recognition or similar accreditations
- check best-in-class businesses less often, freeing our resources to tackle harmful businesses that are serially and seriously non-compliant
- benefit industry by using data and intelligence to target unfair competitors - that will allow us to put the right people, who are equipped for their task, in the right place, at the right time
Inform, educate and advise

Everyone is different, so sometimes standards and regulations are not enough to bring about the change we need. So we’ll do more to inform, educate and advise customers to do the right thing first time. That means better services, safer practice, and less burdensome regulation and enforcement for everyone.
What we do now
- provide targeted digital and media channels to connect people with essential help and education
- publish GOV.UK pages that customers rate among government’s most useful
- carry out, and evaluate, insight-based behaviour change campaigns and e-learning
- share information with around 100 educators, researchers and publishers
- maintain and develop the official Highway Code and other resources as popular apps, books and e-learning
- give our own people effective, modern intranet, collaboration and corporate news services
What we must do by 2030
We must:
- apply the highest professional standards of behaviour change, communication and campaigning techniques
- use the full potential of technology and data to make our messages as useful, effective, timely and targeted as possible
- expand our use of clear, plain language and helpful design, so diverse people and businesses can benefit
- widen access to our Safe Driving for Life resources to benefit a greater range of vehicle and road safety professionals
- develop more smart partnering with experts and organisations who can enhance our safe, clean and responsible road transport messages or reach wider audiences
4. What we must achieve
We’ve organised the outcomes we must achieve into 3 strategic themes, which address the challenges we face.
Theme | Set standards, assess and test | License and accredit, regulate and enforce | Inform, educate and advise |
Helping you through a lifetime of safe and sustainable journeys | Standards and testing suitable for self-driving vehicles We make the best use of technology for testing Tests are more convenient for customers |
Driver and rider training are fit for the future We recognise and reward excellent training We share data and intelligence |
People drive safely and fuel-efficiently People use self-driving vehicles safely People walk, cycle and use public transport in towns and cities more |
Helping you keep your vehicle safe to drive | Vehicle approval promotes innovation in automation and net-zero emissions The data from vehicles in tests is put to the best possible use In-service vehicle safety and tests reflect the latest vehicle technology |
Tester training and qualification caters for new vehicle technology Enforcement against avoiding vehicle testing is effective There is high public confidence in the services provided by partners |
Our data is accessible and easy to use Technical vehicle standards are clear and easy to work with New best practice guides help keep all types of vehicles safe |
Protecting you from unsafe drivers and vehicles | Clear standards for commercial vehicle operators that reflect latest technology Clear processes for reporting information on potential law breakers We influence standards for vehicle and equipment approvals |
We recognise and reward the best vehicle operators We detect more non-compliance remotely through better data and flexibility We use technology to identify and prevent emissions and drivers’ hours cheats |
We detect offences remotely and automatically - and advise what needs to be done We provide tailored and accessible guidance to help vehicle operators We use data to identify and target interventions to improve compliance |
4.1 We’ll help you through a lifetime of safe and sustainable journeys

Set standards, assess and test
Outcomes we must achieve | What it will help us to do |
1. We make standards and testing suitable for self-driving vehicles | Make roads safer Harness the potential of technology and data |
2. We make the best use of new technology in driving assessments and testing, including simulators, augmented reality and virtual reality | Make roads safer Improve services for our customers Harness the potential of technology and data |
3. We make taking your test more convenient - including locations, improved booking services, and how you get your result | Improve services for our customers Harness the potential of technology and data Grow and level up the economy |
License and accredit, regulate and enforce
Outcomes we must achieve | What it will help us to do |
4. We make driver and rider training fit for the future and equip drivers with the skills they need | Make roads safer Harness the potential of technology and data |
5. We recognise and reward excellent training to reduce the burden on those achieving the best outcomes | Make roads safer Improve services for our customers Harness the potential of technology and data Grow and level up the economy |
6. We are open with the data and knowledge behind engagement with instructors and standards checks | Improve services for our customers Harness the potential of technology and data |
Inform, educate and advise
Outcomes we must achieve | What it will help us to do |
7. We help people drive more safely, fuel-efficiently, and in a style that reduces non-exhaust emissions | Make roads safer Make road transport greener and healthier |
8. We guide people to safely use self-driving and driver assistance features in new vehicles | Make roads safer Harness the potential of technology and data |
9. We help people make greener choices to walk, cycle and use public transport in towns and cities | Make road transport greener and healthier |
4.2 We’ll help you keep your vehicle safe to drive

Set standards, assess and test
What we must achieve | What it will help us to do |
1. We make sure that vehicle approval promotes innovation in connected, self-driving and zero emission vehicles | Make roads safer Make road transport greener and healthier Harness the potential of technology and data Grow and level up the economy |
2. We use the data from vehicles in tests in the best possible way | Make roads safer Make road transport greener and healthier Harness the potential of technology and data |
3. We make sure in-service vehicle safety and tests reflect the latest vehicle technology | Make roads safer Make road transport greener and healthier Harness the potential of technology and data |
License and accredit, regulate and enforce
Outcomes we must achieve | What it will help us to do |
4. We develop tester training and qualification to cater for new vehicle technology | Make roads safer Make road transport greener and healthier Harness the potential of technology and data |
5. We carry out effective enforcement against those avoiding mandatory vehicle testing | Make roads safer Make road transport greener and healthier |
6. We create high public confidence in services like MOTs provided by partners | Make roads safer Improve services for our customers |
Inform, educate and advise
Outcomes we must achieve | What it will help us to do |
7. We make our data accessible and easy to use, helping people to design vehicles, maintain them, and get them tested on time | Make roads safer Make road transport greener and healthier Harness the potential of technology and data |
8. We set technical vehicle standards that technicians and drivers find clear and easy to work with | Make roads safer Improve services for our customers Make road transport greener and healthier |
9. We provide new best practice guides for all types of road transport, helping to keep vehicles and micro-mobility devices safe | Make roads safer Improve services for our customers Make road transport greener and healthier |
4.3 We’ll protect you from unsafe drivers and vehicles

Set standards, assess and test
Outcomes we must achieve | What it will help us to do |
1. We set clear standards that reflect the latest technology, for commercial vehicle operators | Make roads safer Make road transport greener and healthier |
2. We set out clear processes for reporting information on potential law breakers | Make roads safer Improve services for our customers |
3. We influence standards for vehicle and equipment approvals | Make roads safer Make road transport greener and healthier Harness the potential of technology and data |
License and accredit, regulate and enforce
Outcomes we must achieve | What it will help us to do |
4. We recognise and reward the best vehicle operators | Make roads safer Improve services for our customers Make road transport greener and healthier Grow and level-up the economy |
5. We detect more non-compliance remotely through better data and flexibility | Make roads safer Harness the potential of technology and data |
6. We use vehicle and other technologies to identify and prevent cheating, including on emissions and drivers’ hours | Make roads safer Make road transport greener and healthier Harness the potential of technology and data |
Inform, educate and advise
Outcomes we must achieve | What it will help us to do |
7. We detect offences remotely and automatically - and advise people what to do about them | Make roads safer Make road transport greener and healthier Harness the potential of technology and data |
8. We provide tailored and accessible guidance to help vehicle operators | Make roads safer Improve services for our customers |
9. We use data to identify and target interventions to improve compliance | Make roads safer Make road transport greener and healthier Harness the potential of technology and data |
5. How we’ll do it
We cannot do everything on our own. So we’ve been listening to our customers, our people and everyone who works towards the same vision as us.
We want sustainable relationships to come as standard, so we’ve arranged your insights into consistent principles. We designed them to keep us working productively and effectively in ways that engage and motivate everyone for better outcomes.
Aim and principles | Our customers | Our people | Our partners |
Aim | Simple, clear, fair services | Purpose, professionalism and pride | Collaboration and constructive conversations |
Our principles - how we aim to be | Fair Consistent Clear Professional Helpful and approachable |
Respectful Valued Together Enabled Ready for the future |
Better together Shared understanding Trusted decisions Shared goals Better outcomes |
We’ll provide better services for our customers
Our commitment
Simple, clear and fair services that work for you. Our services should work the way you want them to. Your experience will keep on improving - from getting our advice, through making transactions, to passing your tests and dealing with us digitally and face-to-face.
What we want our customers to feel

Our customer principles: how we aim to be
We apply and assess the standards that we set fairly.
We apply our standards consistently, regardless of where you live and who’s assessing.
We’re clear, useful and trusted. We write in plain English, and our customers always understand what happens next.
We’re courteous, honest, accurate, knowledgeable and follow the Civil Service values.
Helpful and approachable
We ask our customers for their views before we change policies and introduce new services. We listen, inform, educate and advise to achieve the best possible outcome for everyone.
We’ll create a better place to work for our people
Our commitment
Purpose, professionalism and pride in what we do. We work in supportive, diverse and inclusive teams where everyone is valued. You can grow, develop and progress, and make a real difference to society. We asked our people about their aspirations and came up with these principles together to make them a reality.
What we want our colleagues to feel

Our people principles: how we aim to be
We’re helpful, considerate, inclusive and respectful with everyone. We’re open, honest, transparent and fair. Everyone has something valuable to contribute.
We’re engaged, motivated and valued for what we do. We value and appreciate each other and know everyone’s view is important. We’re open, we listen, and we feel trusted and involved.
We’re united, supportive, friendly and positive. We welcome challenge and feel safe to offer it. We work together, asking for others’ expertise and freely sharing our own. We’re proud of what we all do.
We can all be leaders, who communicate openly and honestly. We’re clear about our journey because we contribute to decisions. Our leaders inspire trust, involve, and engage us.
Ready for the future
We’re forward-thinking, professional and respected. We’re flexible and understand that supporting our people supports our customers. We build knowledge and expertise, develop ourselves and each other. We’re proactive, efficient, effective, progressive, and we innovate.
We’ll develop better partnerships
Our commitment
Collaboration and constructive conversations start with listening. Effective relationships are always partnerships, never confrontations. This vision is a step towards a shared understanding, shared goals and a commitment to achieving outcomes that respect everyone’s perspective.
What we want our partners to feel

Our partnership principles: how we aim to be
Better together
We know that we cannot do everything on our own. Two perspectives are better than one and a diversity of views enriches every decision.
Shared understanding
Openness about the social, technological, environmental and political landscape gives everyone realistic expectations.
Trusted decisions
Evidence and smart use of good quality intelligence and data improves every decision. It also reduces the room for disagreement when we share reliable data.
Shared goals
We want you and your businesses to succeed too. When we agree on a vision and understand what our customers need and want, we can all help each other consistently.
Better outcomes
Improving together, and making decisions informed by each other, makes for sustainable outcomes. We’ll all keep working to support and improve upon those outcomes.
6. Get involved
This vision is the start of a conversation. Here are all the ways you can keep up to date, follow us and influence our thinking.
Give your views
You can give your views on new or changing government policies by responding to consultations. We take these responses into consideration before making decisions.
Stay up to date
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Find out more
Build Back Better: our plan for growth
Build Back Greener: net zero strategy
Civil Service Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, 2022 to 2025
Civil Service Apprenticeships Strategy, 2022 to 2025
Cycling and walking plan for England
DfT operational sustainability strategy, 2021 to 2025
DVSA strategy, plans and reports
Future of Freight: a long-term plan
Transforming for a digital future: 2022 to 2025 roadmap for digital and data
Transport data strategy: innovation through data
Transport decarbonisation plan