DWP payments over £500 with a Government Procurement Card: 2013
Payments that the DWP made over £500 using a GPC in 2013, including invoices, grants and expenses.
This series contains details of DWP payments that were over £500 and made using a Government Procurement Card in 2013. This is in line with Cabinet Office policy.
Payments are defined as all:
- individual invoices
- grant payments
- expense payments
- other such transactions
Payments for staff salaries are excluded.
Send any questions about DWP monthly payments data to: quarryhouse.supplyingdwpqh@dwp.gsi.gov.uk
Updates to this page
Published the DWP GPC payments over £500 for December 2013.
Published latest Child Maintenance Group payments over £500 with a Government Procurement Card (June - December 2013 data).
Added DWP GPC payments over £500 - November 2013
DWP payments over £500 with a Government Procurement Card - October 2013 data published.
Added DWP Government Procurement Card payments for September 2013.
DWP payments over £500 with a GPC card - August 2013
DWP GPC payments over £500 - July 2013 added.
Updated list of payments up to and including June 2013.
Updated list of payments up to and including June 2013.
Updated list of payments up to and including June 2013.
First published.