DWP Test and Learn Dynamic Purchasing System: guidance for businesses
How to register and apply for tender opportunities through the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Test and Learn Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS).
The DWP Test and Learn DPS has been developed to cover a range of projects that could potentially support those with complex barriers to employment to move into sustainable work. This will primarily, but not exclusively, mean individuals with a disability or health condition.
The provision presents opportunities for businesses to apply for tender opportunities, with a focus on innovation and local specialist support, and to support and test the development of new approaches for employment support.
The DWP Test and Learn DPS is key to building evidence to support the delivery of future provision, at both national and local level.
Future tender opportunities will be made available on the Test and Learn DPS, but only to DWP accredited suppliers.
Further information about DWP Test and Learn DPS contract.