E-sexual and reproductive healthcare: national framework
Details on how e-sexual and reproductive services can complement specialist, clinic-based facilities in local area, providing other methods of accessing healthcare.
The framework offers customers a convenient, efficient and cost-effective method for contracting with providers of e-sexual and reproductive health services. Providers listed in the framework deliver services to a pre-agreed specification, pre-agreed terms and conditions, and to a published price list.
PHE has appointed the following providers (in alphabetical order) to the framework:
Brook: to offer contraception and emergency contraception via the Brook Digital Clinic
Preventx: to offer self-sampling for HIV and STIs; contraception; and emergency contraception via SH:UK
SH:24: to offer self-sampling for HIV and STIs; contraception; and emergency contraception via SH:24
Further information about the framework including how to sign up, can be found in the user guide. Contract details are in the respective call-off terms and conditions.