E16 2AX, Keltbray AWS Limited: environmental permit application advertisement - EPR/FP3092LH/V005
Published 9 March 2021
Applies to England
Details of the application
The Environment Agency has received an application to vary an environmental permit under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 involving substantial change to a permit from Keltbray AWS Limited.
Application number
Regulated facility type
The Mowhawk site currently consists of a soil remediation treatment activity. This variation proposes to add an additional 5.3 activity for the physical treatment of asbestos containing waste. The applicant proposes an asbestos picking line and storage area within the current site footprint. The variation will add waste codes 17 06 05, 17 05 03, 17 05 04 and 19 09 03* to the permitted list of wastes. There are no new point source emissions to air or water in association with this variation.
Regulated facility address
Mohawk Wharf Recycling Facility
Mowhawk Wharf
Bradfield Road
E16 2AX
The application contains a description of how the proposed change(s) may affect:
- the installation
- the materials, substances and energy it will use and generate
- the conditions of its site
- the source, nature and quantity of its foreseeable emissions and their significant effects on the environment
- the proposed techniques for preventing, reducing, and monitoring its emissions and preventing and recovering waste
- and an outline of the main alternatives, if any, considered
How to view and comment on the application
If you have any comments on the application send these by 8 April 2021.
You can comment:
We are following Government advice to manage the risks of Coronavirus to our organisation, to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff and sustain our critical operations. As a result, please contact us;
Online: view and comment on the application using Citizen Space
Via email: pscpublicresponse@environment-agency.gov.uk
For advice about how to make a representation or if you are unable to make a representation via e-mail please call 03708 506 506.
The Environment Agency will normally put any comments it receives on the public register. This includes your name but not your personal contact details. Please tell us if you do not want your response to be public.
The privacy notice for permit applicants/operators can be viewed in the environmental permit application forms on GOV.UK