eAlert: 11 May 2018 - Information on claims
This eAlert contains information on training, claims, updating your details on Rural Payments, and changes to Cross Compliance.
- European Protected Species Training
- Woodland Creation Design Workshops
- EWGS and FWPS Annual Claims 2018 – submit your claims by 15 May
- Countryside stewardship annual claim deadline for 2018 is being extended to the 15 June
- Payment of Countryside Stewardship Annual claim payments
- Mapping changes and 2018 annual revenue claims
- Check your address on Rural Payments – make sure it is correct under your SBI and CRN
- Cross Compliance and Woodland Management
- Hear more about our new Service Standard for Woodland Management Plan’s at our Webinar
- Woodland Creation Planning Grant and Woodland Carbon Fund – Open Year Round
- Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems (GWDTE)