Early and Late Release for Detention and Training Orders
This document sets out mandatory instructions and guidance for staff working with children and young people in England and Wales on the administration of the early and late release scheme.
This Policy Framework sets out rules and guidance for staff involved in the administration of the early and late release process for children serving Detention and Training Orders of 8 months or more.
The aim of the scheme is to encourage and motivate children from the point of entry into custody and throughout their custodial journey to engage meaningfully with their resettlement plans and shift their identity from pro offending to pro social. Early release supports effective resettlement planning involving education, training and supervision arrangements upon release so that children are given the best chance of succeeding with the scheme and sustaining the positive progress made in custody when they return to their communities.
In this Framework, Resettlement Practitioners/caseworkers are encouraged to fully embrace the key principles of procedural justice which has been built into the administration of the entire process to ensure a fair, consistent and transparent approach to assessing release applications.