
Early years pupil premium: model form and letter for parents

Model form and letter to help providers of early years education identify which children are eligible for the early years pupil premium.

Applies to England


Early years pupil premium: model form for parents

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Early years pupil premium: model form for parents

Early years pupil premium: overview letter for parents

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The form will help early years providers identify which of the children in their care are eligible for the early years pupil premium (EYPP). We recommend that providers ask all parents and guardians, regardless of family income or circumstances, to complete the form when they enrol their child.

You can use the template letter to explain to parents what the EYPP is when you ask them to fill in the form.

You should share the completed form with your local authority so they can run the necessary checks and make sure you receive the EYPP funding you are entitled to.

You’re free to adjust the form and letter to meet your local needs. Some local authorities have produced their own standard letters which providers in their area can use instead.

Both documents are available in both ODT and Word formats.

Early years providers are any organisation that offers education for children aged under 5, including nurseries and childminders. They’re responsible for:

  • identifying which of the children in their care may be eligible for the EYPP
  • passing that information on to their local authority

Updates to this page

Published 10 February 2015
Last updated 10 August 2015 show all updates
  1. Updated model form to clarify the way eligibility works with tax credits.

  2. Updated the form's eligibility criteria for looked-after children and the section on how the form will be used.

  3. Updated both documents to include a section for adoptive parents and children’s legal guardians.

  4. First published.

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