East Anglia ONE offshore wind farm
Details of East Anglia ONE offshore wind farm variation decision.
On 17 June 2014 the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change made the East Anglia ONE offshore wind farm order 2014. The pre-application, examination and Development Consent Order (DCO) documents can be found on the Planning Inspectorate Website.
On 2 September 2014 the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) received a request from East Anglia Offshore Wind to vary the Deemed Marine Licences (DMLs) contained within Schedule 10 (generation assets) and Schedule 11 (transmission assets) of the Order.
On 19 May 2015 the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) received a request from East Anglia Offshore Wind to vary the Deemed Marine Licences (DMLs) contained within Schedule 10 (generation assets) and Schedule 11 (transmission assets) of the Order.
The MMO’s decision was to vary the DMLs as detailed in the Notice of Variation, effective from 12 December 2016.
On the 8 May 2018, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) received requests from East Anglia One Limited to vary the Deemed Marine Licenses (DMLs) contained within Schedule 10 (generation assets) and Schedule 11 (transmission assets) of the East Anglia One Offshore wind Farm Order 2014.
The MMO’s decision was to vary the DMLs as detailed in the Notice of Variation, effective from 18 October 2018.