Easy read: Universal Credit
These easy read guides explain what Universal Credit is and how you can apply for it.
These easy read guides tell you:
- what Universal Credit is
- who can get Universal Credit
- how to apply for Universal Credit
Easy read documents are designed to make information accessible to people with learning disabilities. If you do not need an easy read format, read the Universal Credit guidance.
Updates to this page
Added easy read guides on 'Before you apply for Universal Credit' (UC3ER) and 'How to apply for Universal Credit' (UC4ER) - English and Welsh versions.
Published an updated version of the introduction to Universal Credit easy read to reflect the change in the rules allowing people with a severe disability premium to claim Universal Credit from 27 January 2021.
Added 'Who can claim Universal Credit: easy read'. Temporarily removed 'Introduction to Universal Credit: easy read' while it is being updated because people who are entitled to a severe disability premium, or have been within a month, can claim Universal Credit from 27 January 2021.
Added information about the video relay service if you are deaf and use British Sign Language.
Added translation