Ebola virus disease: information for Ebola response workers
Guidance to help minimise the risk of Ebola virus infection among humanitarian aid (and other) workers travelling to Ebola affected areas.
Anyone planning to conduct humanitarian work in areas of Africa where outbreaks of Ebola virus disease are known to occur needs to be familiar with how Ebola virus is transmitted.
This leaflet recommends the precautions that humanitarian workers should take, and provides advice on what to do if you suspect an infection. It also explains actions that take place on your return to the UK.
Updates to this page
Added latest update.
Updated in line with current arrangements.
This document has been updated with new information about the risk of Ebola infection via semen.
Updated guidance.
Updated guidance.
Document updated 26 September 2014
The 'Ebola virus disease: information for humanitarian aid workers guidance' has been updated.
First published.