Economic research into the circumvention of trade remedies
A report produced by Frontier Economics for the UK Trade Remedies Authority on circumvention of trade remedies measures.
This is a report produced by Frontier Economics for the UK Trade Remedies Authority on the topic of circumvention of trade remedies measures. It explores the varying definitions of circumvention around the world, along with approaches to identifying when it is taking place, and responses to it, including in-depth studies of the trade remedies regimes in the EU, US, Australia, and Canada.
The research:
- sets out a taxonomy of circumvention methods and looks at their prevalence in various jurisdictions.
- explores legal issues surrounding circumvention and responses to it from trade defence authorities around the world.
- covers legal, political, and analytical issues concerning circumvention reviews in general.
- presents several case studies of real circumvention cases and draws out what can be learned about them by studying trade flow data between various countries.
- builds a toolkit of methods the UK Trade Remedies Authority can use for making use of such data in circumvention reviews.