EFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 11 August 2016
Published 11 August 2016
1. Information: early years national funding formula consultation
The Department for Education (DfE) has published a consultation on an early years national funding formula and changes to the way the 3- and 4-year-old free entitlements to childcare are funded.
The consultation builds on the government’s commitment in the Autumn Statement to invest over £1 billion more per year in childcare by 2019 to 2020, which includes £300 million per year for a significant uplift to government funding rates. It sets out major changes to deliver a fairer and more transparent funding system for the 3- and 4-year-old free entitlements. The final formula will distribute the new investment to local authorities from April 2017. At this time, there will also be an uplift to the funding of the 2-year-old entitlement to free childcare, although the formula for distributing that money will not change.
DfE is encouraging schools, childcare providers and local authority early years teams across the country to respond to the consultation. The closing date is Thursday 22 September 2016.
2. Information: 2017 to 2018 local authority proforma tool (APT)
We have released the provisional 2017 to 2018 authority proforma tool (APT) on the EFA data collection portal. Local authorities can use this APT to start modelling their schools funding formulae.
We have updated the APT user instructions on the EFA data collection portal. The user instructions contain details of the changes included in this version of the APT. The changes include removal of the historic commitment to sixth-form funding and a change to the income deprivation affecting children index (IDACI) distribution.
We have emailed each local authority with details of how to access their APT.
3. Information: public consultation on reporting and acting on child abuse and neglect
Home Office and the Department for Education have opened a public consultation on reporting and acting on child abuse and neglect.
The consultation seeks views on introducing mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect or a duty to act in relation to child abuse or neglect.
The consultation closes on Thursday 13 October 2016.