
EFA e-bulletin for academies: 18 December 2014

Published 18 December 2014

This guidance was withdrawn on

This is an old edition of the EFA e-bulletin, so has been archived. Please view our most recent e-bulletins and web pages for up-to-date information.

1. Information: academy trusts’ August 2014 accounts return template

Education Funding Agency (EFA) has made minor updates to the formatting and to some of the background validation in the August 2014 accounts return template for academy trusts.

We recommend you use this latest version to make your submission, although if you have already populated the return using an earlier version, this will not present any problems.

Academy trusts need to complete this return by 31 January 2015 if they are preparing financial statements as at 31 August 2014 and had academies open at 31 August 2014.

2. Information: schools revenue funding settlement 2015 to 2016

We have announced details of the schools revenue funding settlement for 2015 to 2016.

This includes details of the local authority allocations for the dedicated schools grant (DSG) and the education services grant (ESG).

3. Information: pupil premium allocations for 2015 to 2016

Pupil premium illustrative allocations for the 2015 to 2016 financial year will be made available in January 2015.

Per pupil amounts for pupils in years 7 to 11, children who are looked after for one day or more or adopted from care and service children will continue to be funded at the same levels as the current financial year. The per pupil amount for pupils in reception to year 6 will increase to £1,320.

Final allocations for the 2014 to 2015 financial year can be found on the Key to Success website, with further information available in the conditions of grant.

4. Information: Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) applications

We recognise that some academy trusts and sixth-form colleges have experienced technical issues with the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) online application. To allow more time for applicants to submit their bids, we have extended the deadline for applications until midday on Tuesday 13 January.

The system will remain open throughout the holiday period and IT support teams will be available on normal working days.

5. Information: large programme uplift factsheet

We’ve published a fact sheet on the 16 to 19 funding large programme uplift on GOV.UK.

The factsheet covers the conditions under which the EFA will pay a large programme uplift in 2016 to 2017 academic year for a limited number of post-16 programmes. It also provides further information to institutions to support them in understanding and planning for the large programmes uplift.

6. Information: post-16 funding allocations 2015 to 2016 video

We’ve produced a video to update post-16 institutions about the timeline and process for post-16 allocations in 2015 to 2016.

We are writing to academies over the next few weeks with information on the funding factors and lagged numbers that will be used in their post-16 allocations. Funding factors and lagged student numbers for school sixth forms and academies will be available in January.

Video about post-16 allocations

7. Information: setting the level of the 2014 16 to 18 interim minimum standards

The Department for Education has published the interim key stage 5 minimum standards as they will apply to all schools and colleges for 16- to 18-year-olds for the 2013 to 2014 academic year on GOV.UK.

The department is continuing to use the existing point scores from the interim minimum standard from 2013 to apply to the 2013 to 2014 academic year, but has raised the percentage of pupils required to obtain these scores from 40% to 45%.

8. Information: Charity Commission guidance consultation

The Charity Commission is seeking your views on a new version of guidance for charity trustees ‘The Essential Trustee’.

This document is the Charity Commission’s guide to charity trustees’ responsibilities. The commission wants to make this guide as clear as possible and easier for trustees to use, to support them in complying with their duties. The new draft follows recent commission guidance on decision making and conflicts of interest.

9. Information: chairs of governors’ leadership development programme

The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) is offering 1,200 scholarships for the chairs of governors’ leadership development programme.

Existing, new or aspiring chairs of governors who would like to develop their skills further and take a place on the programme before March 2015 are eligible for scholarships of £320 for small providers with fewer than 100 pupils, and £200 for other providers.