
EFA e-bulletin for academies: 2 June 2014

Published 2 June 2014

This guidance was withdrawn on

This is an old edition of the EFA e-bulletin, so has been archived. Please view our most recent e-bulletins and web pages for up-to-date information.

1. Information: EFA Information Exchange goes live

EFA is launching the first phase of the new EFA Information Exchange this month. EFA would like to thank those future-users who have worked to make sure Information Exchange starts with a good foundation on which to build.

The secure, online system will provide a single place for academies, 16 to 19 providers, high needs providers and local authorities to do business with EFA in a more effective and efficient way. As it is used, it will be personalised increasingly and users will be able to:

  • view all key data we hold about organisations such as data for funding purposes, key contacts etc
  • submit data to us using online forms and processes
  • have access to online enquiry resolution services including the ability to track progress of their case
  • exchange key documents as required

EFA is phasing organisations onto the Information Exchange throughout June, starting with local authorities because it is at this point of the business calendar when EFA sends you some key documents. Any local authorities (LAs) who have not returned their LA Data Sharing Agreement should do so as soon as possible to allow you to access the system and the documents on it.

All other organisations: Everyone accessing EFA Information Exchange will need to do so through the Department for Education Secure Access portal. If you have recently created an account, you will get your log in details in the coming weeks. If you have received a form in the post to get your institution on Secure Access for the first time, please return it as soon as possible.

2. Reminder: EFA customer survey

There’s just a few days left to complete the EFA customer survey. Many thanks to all those who have already given EFA feedback on the service it provides.

3. Action: academies accounts direction 2013 to 2014

EFA published the academies accounts direction 2013 to 2014 on 23 May. This is the reference pack for you and your auditors to use when preparing and auditing your trust’s annual reports and financial statements.

You will need to submit your audited financial statements and management letter for the accounting period ending 31 August 2014 to EFA by 31 December 2014.

4. Action: online training for academies on financial returns

A narrated presentation and PowerPoint slides on completing your budget forecast are available on the EFA event website.

Registration is open for the budget forecast webinar on 9 June at 2pm, where you will have the opportunity to ask specific questions. You can submit questions in advance when you register. Please view the narrated presentation before the webinar, as this takes you through the budget forecast return step by step.

You can also register for the 15 July financial framework webinars, and view the recent narrated presentation and subsequent webinar on the March accounts return.

5. Information: school capacity collection 2014 (SCAP)

The school capacity collection (SCAP) is an annual survey of school capacity and pupil forecasts.

Academies, free schools and UTCs need to provide or confirm their capacity and admission number figures to their local authority.

The results are published and used to help local authorities provide data to the Department for Education that inform place planning and capital allocations.

Your local authority will be in touch with you to get the information it needs. The deadline for all submissions is 25 July.

6. Action: Academies Capital Maintenance Fund 2014 to 2015 round 2

EFA has published information about applying for round 2 of the Academies Capital Maintenance Fund (ACMF) 2014 to 2015 on GOV.UK.

Round 2 is for academies that opened after 2 December 2013 and schools with an academy order that are due to open on or before 1 October 2014.

Eligible academies will be able to apply for one project up to £500,000 to tackle building condition issues.

The online application portal will open by 13 June 2014 and the deadline for submission is 21 July 2014.

7. Information: insurance top-up funding

The online form for claiming top-up funding for insurance is on GOV.UK.

Top-up funding is for academies with specific and exceptional circumstances that may result in being unable to pay their insurance premium from their 2013 to 2014 academic year funding.

8. Information: Residential Support Scheme and Care To Learn applications 2014 to 2015

EFA is updating the guidance and application process for the Residential Support Scheme and Care To Learn.

The Residential Support Scheme (RSS) supports students aged 16 to 18 with the costs of living away from home in order to study because the provision is not available locally. The new guide is on GOV.UK.

Care to Learn provides financial support with the costs of childcare to help young parents who may not otherwise be able to complete their education. Students must apply for Care to Learn in each academic year to continue to receive support. Application forms for 2014 to 2015 will be available shortly on GOV.UK.

9. Information: 16 to 25 high needs funding arrangements - additional information

EFA has published additional information about 16 to 25 high needs funding arrangements for the academic year 2014 to 2015 on GOV.UK.

This document provides advice and information to support local authorities and institutions as they finalise funding arrangements for high needs students in the academic year 2014 to 2015.

It also includes the latest funding information for the 2014 to 2015 academic year and information on the special educational need and disability (SEND) reforms introduced in the Children and Families Act 2014.

10. Information: 16 to 19 maths and English reports

EFA has sent each institution a report that outlines the number of students within that institution, based on 2012 to 2013 enrolments, where the condition of funding for maths and English would not have been met if it had applied to that year’s data.

The report is designed to help institutions in their preparation for the introduction of the condition of funding for maths and English from the 2014 to 2015 academic year.

11. Information: recording work experience in EFA programmes

EFA has issued a detailed note clarifying how the Department for Education will define external employers, how workplace-based activity should be recorded in EFA programmes, and the general approach that Ofsted will take.

It also looks at the 3 types of work experience/work placement activity which are fundable if they form part of the student’s study programme. You can view the policy document on work experience on GOV.UK.

12. Action: academy admission appeal complaints

In February EFA published findings from its review of complaints about independent appeal panels (IAPs) in 2013 and suggested how academies could ensure future appeals comply with the school admission appeals code.

As appeals are currently taking place, please can EFA remind you to ask appeals clerks to include a copy of the parent factsheet with all academy appeal hearing decision letters.

The factsheet will help parents to understand what complaints they can make and direct them to our online complaint form.

13. Information: special educational needs and disability (SEND) reforms

The 0 to 25 special educational needs and disability (SEND) code of practice comes into force in September 2014, subject to parliamentary approval. In the meantime you should use the draft code of practice to prepare for implementation of the reforms from 1 September.

The new SEND Gateway has been launched to provide easy access to high quality information and resources to help academies prepare for the reforms.

You can also sign up to attend a free implementation event being run by nasen in June and early July to provide guidance on next steps for implementing the new code of practice.

14. Information: school admission of children adopted from local authority care

EFA has published guidance on the school admission of children adopted from local authority care.

The guidance will help schools to understand their obligations and duties in relation to granting school admissions priority to previously looked-after children.

15. Information: conflicts of interest - Charity Commission guidance

The Charity Commission has published revised public guidance on conflicts of interest for charity trustees.

All trustees should adopt a conflicts of interest policy and those with policies already in place are advised to review the revised guidance.