
EFA e-bulletin for academies: 2 October 2014

Published 2 October 2014

This guidance was withdrawn on

This is an old edition of the EFA e-bulletin, so has been archived. Please view our most recent e-bulletins and web pages for up-to-date information.

1. Information: pupil premium payments

The second pupil premium payment for the 2014 to 2015 financial year will be made on 6 October.

A separate remittance to the monthly GAG advice will be issued detailing the payment.

2. Information: pupil premium and UIFSM - conditions of grant

Conditions of grant for academies and free schools receiving pupil premium and universal infant free school meals (UIFSM) payments in the 2014 to 2015 academic year are now available.

These documents include how and when the payments will be made.

3. Action: August accounts return video and webinar

A training video on how to complete your annual accounts returns for the 2013 to 2014 academic year is now available.

Registration is open for the 2 December webinar on the accounts return. This will be a question and answer session, and you can submit questions in advance when you register.

The return is due by 31 January 2015.

4. Reminder: new academies’ financial returns

New academies must submit the land and buildings valuation form within 6 weeks of opening and the budget forecast within 6 weeks of receiving their final funding letter. You will need to use the online budget forecast form.

5. Information: changes in independent, free school and academy regulations

The Independent Schools Standards (ISS) have been amended with changes to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of pupils and a new regulation giving the Secretary of State wider powers to bar individuals from participation in the management of independent schools (including academies and free schools).

6. Information: mapping of engagement programmes for young people

EFA has updated the document mapping engagement programmes currently available to support the participation of young people in England on GOV.UK.

The document was first published in July 2014.

7. Information: new academies welcome pack published

All new academies now receive a welcome pack to guide you through your first few months of opening on matters relating to funding, funding-agreement compliance, finance and financial assurance.

The pack includes details of key actions for you to fulfil within the first few months of opening, and contains links to more detailed information (including to other finance-related activities for which EFA is not responsible).

It also provides an introduction to EFA’s key services and systems and how to use these services successfully.

It will be updated regularly and is also a useful resource for established academies, as a reference for information on different aspects of academy business.

8. Information: resources to help academies develop nursery provision

The Department for Education has developed and published on the TES website a range of resources, including case studies, practical guides and financial models, to encourage and support more academies to take nursery children.

9. Information: funding for independent/state school partnerships (ISSPs)

The Department for Education is funding new independent/state school partnerships (ISSPs) for primary teaching.

Innovative schools with a commitment to long-term self-sufficiency should apply by 24 October.

10. Information: performance table measures - technical information

A new technical guide has been published which aims to help school sixth-forms and colleges understand how the 5 new 16 to 19 headline measures will be calculated.

The headline measures are progress, attainment, progress in English and maths (for students without a GCSE pass at A to C in these subjects), retention, and destinations.

The new 16 to 19 accountability system begins in 2016. For students starting 2-year 16 to 18 courses this means the new accountability system will apply to outcomes for students starting courses in September 2014. The outcomes will be reported in 16 to 18 performance tables in January 2017.