EFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 21 April 2016
Published 21 April 2016
1. Information: review of the 2013 to 2014 data submitted against the core principles of the study programme
Last year we reviewed the end of year data for academic year 2013 to 2014 for all EFA funded institutions against the core principles of study programmes.
As part of this review, we contacted the institutions whose provision appeared to be non-standard to understand the reasons for the delivery patterns. We have reviewed these and have outlined the reasons for the delivery patterns being non-standard as well as the actions we are taking on GOV.UK.
2. Information: post-16 funding for 2016 to 2017 academic year
We have now uploaded student number summaries for local authorities. All statements are located in Document Exchange, and can be found in the ‘revenue funding’ folder under ‘AY 2016-17’.
If you have any issues using EFA Information Exchange, please check our support guidance.
For queries about allocation statements, please refer to our supporting documents on GOV.UK. You can also contact us via our online enquiry form.
The business case window for non-maintained special schools, special post-16 institutions, charitable and commercial providers, and higher education institutions returning Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) data closes 22 April 2016. The deadline for other institutions was 8 April 2016. We have started to review business cases and will respond to institutions in line with the timeframes which were published in our explanatory notes.
3. Reminder: Document Exchange folder removal
At the end of April 2016 we’ll be deleting the ‘AY 2013-14’ folders in Document Exchange.
These are the folders in EFA Information Exchange where you received information relating to the 2013 to 2014 academic year. This does not affect folders for later years.
We’ll begin the folder removal on 29 April 2016. Please take a moment to log into EFA Information Exchange to check your folders and download any files you need before this date.
If you have any issues accessing EFA Information Exchange or Document Exchange, please see our online guidance.
4. Information: Teachers’ Pensions monthly data collection
From April 2016, Teachers’ Pensions will be offering all employers the opportunity to join monthly data collection (MDC).
This is a replacement for the Teachers’ Pensions annual service return. MDC requires less data and removes the need for many of the forms you currently have to send. It also saves time and provides more up-to-date information for your members.
To start using the MDC, please complete the delegation form and return it to MDC@teacherspensions.co.uk.