
EFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 24 November 2016

Published 24 November 2016

This correspondence was withdrawn on

This has been withdrawn as it’s out of date. The EFA e-bulletin has been replaced by ESFA Update.

1. Action: set up your Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) portal account

If you’re applying for the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) for the first time, you must set up your CIF portal account by 5pm on 30 November 2016.

If you already have a CIF portal account, you don’t need to re-register.

We recommend that wherever possible schools and colleges complete their application 3 to 5 days before the deadline date of 9 December 2016. This will help avoid late enquiries that could result in you missing the deadline.

We’ve updated the Condition Improvement Fund page on GOV.UK with refreshed guidance and the CIF portal now includes step by step instruction videos to help you. We recommend you refer to this guidance before submitting your application.

Remember if you are applying for an expansion project, please check if you also need to submit a significant change application as you will need to submit this at the same time you make your CIF application.

2. Reminder: making sure EFA has the right contact information

We rely on institutions to provide us with up to date contact information. We use this to send you important documentation throughout the academic year. The way you view and update your contact information depends on what type of institution you are:


The Academies Financial Handbook sets out the requirement that academy trusts, including free schools, university technical colleges and studio schools, must notify EFA about the vacating and filling of positions of member, trustee, accounting officer and chief financial officer.

Trusts must notify EFA within 14 days of any change. Notification must be made through the governance section of EduBase which is accessed via Secure Access.

All fields marked with an * in EduBase for the named positions must be completed. For accounting officer and chief financial officer positions, only the ‘date term of office ends/ended’ is not required when first entering details. Please check that EduBase holds all of the contacts above.

All other EFA-funded institutions

All other EFA-funded providers should add and change contact information using ‘My Contact Information’ on EFA Information Exchange. You can find guidance about how to use My Contact Information on GOV.UK.

3. Information: fire risk from school maintenance or building works

We have published a new document that supports schools to manage fire risks when undertaking construction or maintenance activities involving hot works such as roof repairs.

Any construction activity involving hot works has the potential to cause a serious fire. They should only be undertaken when all other options have been considered first.

This guidance raises awareness of a school and contractor’s legal health and safety duties as they apply to the fire risks created by the contractor’s hot work activities. The document includes links to helpful advice from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

4. Information: EFA now on Twitter

EFA is now on Twitter. Our Twitter feed is a useful tool to remind institutions of any important actions and upcoming deadlines, as well as highlighting important news from EFA.

You can follow EFA @EFAGov.