EFA e-bulletin for academies: 3 December 2015
Published 3 December 2015
1. Action: deadline to submit your audited accounts
The deadline for academy trusts, including free schools, studio schools and university technical colleges (UTCs) incorporated on or before 28 February 2015 to submit their audited accounts and auditor’s management letter is 31 December 2015.
If you have not yet submitted your accounts, please ensure you have processes in place to meet the deadline.
The guide to submitting your accounts confirms you will need to submit them using the EFA Information Exchange and complete a short online cover form. Please make sure you can access Information Exchange before the deadline.
As the Academies Accounts Direction sets out, you no longer need to submit the separate value for money statement that was required last year: this has been absorbed into the governance statement in your annual accounts.
Education Funding Agency (EFA) online training videos on the Academies Accounts Direction and the outcomes of last year’s financial statements will also help you to complete your accounts.
2. Reminder: applying for the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) 2016 to 2017
If you are applying for the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) for 2016 to 2017, you must complete and submit your application by midday on 16 December.
We recommend schools and colleges complete their application around 3 to 5 days before the deadline to avoid late enquiries that could lead to missing the deadline.
If you are applying for the first time, you must set up your CIF portal account. We have removed the deadline for doing this and you will be able to register anytime. We recommend you register well in advance or you will risk having to make enquiries that could lead to missing the submission deadline.
If you have an existing CIF portal account you do not need to re-register.
You can read the Condition Improvement Fund guidance for applicants on GOV.UK. This sets out the application process and assessment criteria.
3. Information: regulating out-of-school education settings
The Department for Education (DfE) has launched a call for evidence on a proposed system for registering and inspecting out-of-school education settings.
DfE invites education providers, amongst others, to help broaden understanding of out-of-school education settings, and the potential scope and impact of the proposed regulatory system.