EFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 3 March 2016
Published 3 March 2016
1. Information: academic year 2016 to 2017 post-16 final allocation statements
The academic year 2016 to 2017 post-16 final allocation statements for schools, academies, colleges and local authorities with direct delivery are now available. They have been uploaded to the ‘revenue funding’ folder under ‘AY 2016-17 (2016/17)’ in the Document Exchange section of EFA Information Exchange. We have held back less than 1% of allocation statements and will be in touch with those institutions. We expect the majority of these to be uploaded by the end of March.
Allocations for institutions such as commercial and charitable providers and special post-16 institutions will follow later this month along with allocations of student support funding.
Further information about the final allocation statements and the business case process for data errors (which closes on 8 April) is available on GOV.UK.
If you experience problems accessing EFA Information Exchange, please submit a support request.
2. Information: reviewing post-16 education and training institutions - updated guidance for area reviews
The guidance to support the delivery of area reviews of post-16 institutions across England has been updated on GOV.UK.
3. Action: S251 budget data collection for 2016 to 2017
We have published guidance for the S251 budget data collection for the 2016 to 2017 financial year. Local authorities are required to submit their budget data by 31 March 2016.
4. Action: EFA Information Exchange - your feedback
We want to make it as simple as possible for you to find answers to your questions about EFA. Knowledge Centre (part of EFA Information Exchange) is an important part of this vision.
Please take 5 minutes to complete our survey about Knowledge Centre. Your feedback will help us make improvements to content over the next few months. You do not need to have used Knowledge Centre to complete the survey.
Knowledge Centre is a tool you can use to search for answers to questions about EFA. All EFA-funded organisations can access Knowledge Centre, which is available through EFA Information Exchange.
The survey will close on Friday 25 March 2016.
5. Information: asbestos in schools - data collection deadline extended to Thursday 31 March 2016
The deadline for completing the online form to collect data on the management of asbestos in schools has been extended to 31 March 2016. The deadline will not be extended beyond this date.
Once headteachers have completed the survey they will receive immediate feedback and advice based on their responses. The survey is an excellent opportunity for schools to evaluate their approach to asbestos management.