
EFA e-bulletin for academies: 6 February 2014

Published 11 March 2014

This guidance was withdrawn on

This is an old edition of the EFA e-bulletin, so has been archived. Please view our most recent e-bulletins and web pages for up-to-date information.

This was published on the Department for Education website. It is here mainly for reference - please note that some links may have changed following the transition to GOV.UK.

1. Action: accounts return deadline has passed

If your academy trust was open and prepared accounts at 31 August 2013, you should have submitted your 2012 to 2013 accounts return to EFA by 31 January by uploading it to the new Deloitte Online site.

If your return is still outstanding, please upload it to the Deloitte site as soon as possible. You will find further information, including guidance on how to upload your returns, on the EFA accounts return web page.

Deloitte has emailed login details for the submission site to the accounting officer contact EFA has for each academy trust. If your academy trust has not received a login, please contact Deloitte at The user account is set up for the use of the trust as a whole in submitting returns.

Over the coming weeks, Deloitte will validate the data within your accounts returns and may contact some academy trusts with queries.

2. Information: funding allocation schedule for new academies

EFA has published a schedule on its website which provides information for schools and other projects that are preparing to open as new academies, including free schools, studio schools and UTCs.

It outlines EFA timescales for issuing funding allocation information for academies opening within the remainder of the 2013 to 2014 academic year and in September 2014.

3. Information: funding arrangements for infant free schools meals

The Secretary of State for Education and the Minister of State for Schools have written to primary schools providing further details about the policy for all state-funded schools in England to provide free school meals to all pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2, from September 2014.

The letter contains information about the funding arrangements for this policy and confirms the government’s intention to legislate for schools to provide free school meals though the Children and Families Bill, which is currently making its way through parliament. It also signposts sources of further information and advice.

4. Information: January student number statements

EFA sent out student number statements to most schools and academies with sixth forms in week commencing 27 January.

The statements include the student numbers and funding factors that will be applied in calculating their 16 to 19 allocations.

Any exceptional cases for changes in any of the factors will need to be returned to EFA by 14 February. This is the next step in calculating 16 to 19 allocations for institutions by the end of March.

Any queries should be sent to:

EFA questions

For schools, local authorities, other education institutions and providers, accountants, auditors and other professional advisers with queries for the Education Funding Agency

16 to 19 providers - northern territory

For local authorities, schools, colleges and other (non-academy) providers in north west, north east and Yorkshire and the Humber with queries for the Education Funding Agency

16 to 19 providers - central and south west territory

For local authorities, schools, colleges and other (non-academy) providers in south west, west midlands and east midlands with queries for the Education Funding Agency

16 to 19 providers - southern territory

For local authorities, schools, colleges and other (non-academy) providers in south east, east of England and London with queries for the Education Funding Agency

5. Information: capital allocations 2014 to 2015

The Department for Education has announced the school capital maintenance and Devolved Formula Capital (DFC) allocations for 2014 to 2015 financial year.

£1.2 billion has been made available in 2014 to 2015 to maintain and improve the condition of school buildings across the country.

A further £200 million of capital funding for 2014 to 2015 will be given directly to schools and academies as DFC.

Further information on the 2014 to 2015 maintenance and DFC allocations together with a technical note explaining how the allocations were calculated can be found on GOV.UK.

The announcement includes an allocation of £442 million for the 2014 to 2015 Academies Capital Maintenance Fund and £58 million for sixth form colleges 2014 to 2015 Building Condition Improvement Fund.

6. Action: asbestos management in schools – call for evidence

The Department for Education is reviewing its policy on asbestos management in schools and wants to hear opinions and ideas from anyone with an interest in this important subject.

In particular, it would like to hear from those that are involved in the day-to-day management of asbestos in schools, about their experiences and how they think DfE can support schools to fulfill their responsibilities.

Details of the call for evidence and how to respond can be found at ‘asbestos management in schools: DfE policy review - consultations’ on GOV.UK.