Effectiveness of schemes to enable people at risk of domestic violence to remain in their own homes
A Sanctuary Scheme is a multi-agency victim centred initiative which aims to enable households at risk of violence to remain safely in their…
A Sanctuary Scheme is a multi-agency victim centred initiative which aims to enable households at risk of violence to remain safely in their own homes by installing a ‘Sanctuary’ in the home and through the provision of support to the household.
This evaluation was carried out in 2009/10 and involved interviews with national stakeholders, local case studies (interviews with service providers, support providers, local stakeholders, and service users), and a cost-benefit analysis. It shows that overall Sanctuary Schemes were thought to have been successful in their main aim of providing a safe alternative for households at risk of domestic violence, and preventing the disruption associated with homelessness.
It also highlights that there are different types of installation and security measures and also variation in the way schemes operate post installation. Nevertheless, respondents in all areas reported similar outcomes and, for the most part, service users reported positive experiences. A summary of this research report and also a practice guide have also been published.