Electricity Price Signals and Demand Response
Report examining household demand, UK household electricity usage and the insights these provide for a UK domestic demand response to time-of-use tariff price signals.
The “Early findings and demand response report”, examined the technical potential for households to shift electricity usage out of the evening peak demand period. The technical load shifting potentials were based on the appliances that were used by each of the 250 households during the evening peak, how much electricity they consumed during that period, and the ease of shifting those loads without significantly impacting household lifestyles.
In this report, data from a number of UK domestic time of-use tariff trials (conducted between 2003 and 2014) was examined how much actual household demand was shifted out of the evening peak period for various tariff structures relative to the technical potential determined in the “Early Findings” report. The study also explores the key findings from the time of use tariff trials that relate to UK household electricity usage and the insights these provide for UK domestic demand response to time of use pricing.