EMCS fallback: long term fallback - transhipment - inter-airport removal request (FB17F)
Use form FB17F to manually release transhipment or inter-airport removals which cannot be input to CCS-UK.
Use form FB17F to manually release transhipment or inter-airport removals which cannot be input to CCS-UK.
Email HMRC to ask for this form in Welsh (Cymraeg).
Related forms and guidance
Short term fallback: inter-shed removal request (FB15)
Use form FB15 to manually release inter-shed removals which cannot be input to CCS-UK.
Short term fallback - request for inter-airport or transit removal (FB16)
Use form FB16 to manually release inter-airport or transit removal requests which cannot be input to CCS-UK.
Airline fallback - transfer manifest or removal authority (FB17A)
Use form FB17A to manually release a transfer manifest or removal authority which cannot be input to CCS-UK.
Long term fallback: inter-shed removal request (FB19)
Use form FB19 to manually release inter-shed removals which cannot be input to CCS-UK.
Fallback schedule of import entries (FB20)
Use form FB20 to manually record a schedule of import entries.
Fallback export reception list (FB21)
Use form FB21 to manually record fallback export reception lists.