Employer based clinical excellence awards: application process and forms
Forms and guidance for applying for an employer based clinical excellence award (CEA).
Employer based CEAs 2017
The 2017 employer based CEA process launches on Wednesday 4 October 2017. Closing date for submission of application is Wednesday 15 November 2017. Late applications will not be accepted.
All applications, including your employer statement (form B), must be submitted to CEA@phe.gov.uk no later than 5pm on Wednesday 15 November 2017.
How to apply
Information on completing the application form, including the domains, is given in part 5 of the applicant’s guide. The internal PHE policy should be read with the ACCEA guide before you begin your application.
The employer statement is a necessary part of the application. Once completed, forward the application to your line manager along with the employer guide for completion of the employer statement. Information about completing the employer statement form is given in part 3 of the guide.
Academics and local authority staff
If you are an academic applying for an employer based award, you need to apply through the NHS organisation at which you hold your honorary contract.
If you are a public health academic, PHE is the ‘NHS’ employer. As PHE is not entirely familiar with all the academic works, PHE expects employer statements to be completed by university line managers.
For local authority applicants applying through PHE, the employer statement should be completed by your line manager at the local authority.
Applications will be considered over 6 weeks and we hope to release the results in April or May 2018.
Queries should be sent to CEA@phe.gov.uk.
Updates to this page
Published 20 January 2016Last updated 2 October 2017 + show all updates
Updated for 2017 round of applications.
Updated for next round of applications.
First published.