Research and analysis

Employer skills survey 2019: UK (excluding Scotland) findings

Main report and data tables on the UK (excluding Scotland) employers’ reported skill needs and training activities.

Applies to England, Northern Ireland and Wales


Employer skills survey 2019: summary report

Employer skills survey 2019: research report

Employer skills survey 2019: skills needs

Employer skills survey 2019: training and workforce development

Employer skills survey 2019: developing the skills pipeline

Employer skills survey 2019: apprenticeships and traineeships

Employer skills survey 2019: data tables

Employer skills survey 2019: data tables


Information from over 81,000 employer establishments across the UK (excluding Scotland) on skills:

  • needs
  • use
  • development

The technical documentation, data tables and slides by nation are on employer skills survey 2019.

Updates to this page

Published 14 October 2020
Last updated 6 November 2024 show all updates
  1. Figures revised due to an error: updates to the 'Skills lacking in the labour market' section in the 'Employer skills survey 2019: research report', and corresponding sections of the 'Employer skills survey 2019: skills needs' report and 'Employer skills survey 2019: summary report'.

  2. Added 'Employer skills survey 2019: apprenticeships and traineeships', 'Employer skills survey 2019: developing the skills pipeline', 'Employer skills survey 2019: training and workforce development', 'Employer skills survey 2019: skills needs', 'Employer skills survey 2019: summary report'.

  3. First published.

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