
Employing disabled people and people with health conditions

How to attract, recruit and retain disabled people.



This guidance will help employers to become more confident when attracting, recruiting and retaining disabled people.

Updates to this page

Published 16 July 2013
Last updated 1 September 2022 show all updates
  1. Added information about the Health Adjustment Passport and new sections on Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and dwarfism.

  2. We have added new content about neurodiversity at work at section 5.5 of the guidance.

  3. Updated attachment 'Employing disabled people and people with health conditions' -- new bullet points added in section 1.2 'The benefits of employing disabled people.'

  4. Added Evenbreak to the list of organisations where you can get further guidance.

  5. Several updates to HTML attachment: updated help and support for older workers under heading 2.3. Section 2.4 replaced Work Choice with Work and Health Programme information. Added further information to section 4.3. Updated information and links under heading 7 Toolkits.

  6. Added a link to the DWP autism and neurodiversity toolkit in section 7.

  7. Added a list of Work Choice providers.

  8. Added the section 'Extra support for small employers'.

  9. 'Health and work resources for line managers' PDF removed.

  10. Added information about stammering.

  11. Added dyspraxia, ADHD and dyscalculia information to chapter 5.5 'Hidden Impairments' to HTML guide.

  12. Added information about resources from NDCS for young people with a hearing impairment to chapter 5.2.

  13. Added information about epilepsy to 'Advice on specific conditions'. Section 5.6.

  14. Added further links to online dyslexia resources to the HTML guidance.

  15. Added information about the Disability Confident symbol, that is replacing the Two Ticks symbol from July 2016, to show an employer is committed to employing disabled people.

  16. Added new section about toolkits to the HTML guidance and made other minor corrections.

  17. Updated the list of health and work resources for line managers.

  18. Updated guidance with extra information following feedback from employers.

  19. Useful links to the big I.D.E.A and the Mental Health Foundation added.

  20. Added section relating to the Disability Confident campaign, and a link to a new page for downloading campaign materials.

  21. First published.

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