Research and analysis

Energy Innovation Needs Assessments

The Energy Innovation Needs Assessments (EINAs) support evidence and analysis on the role of different technologies in the UK’s future energy system.


Energy Innovation Needs Assessment: overview

Biomass and bioenergy (EINA sub-theme)

Building fabric (EINA sub-theme)

Heating and cooling (EINA sub-theme)

Industry (EINA sub-theme)

Nuclear fission (EINA sub-theme)

Offshore wind (EINA sub-theme)

Road transport (EINA sub-theme)

Smart systems (EINA sub-theme)

Tidal stream (EINA sub-theme)


Following a methodology pilot phase in 2016 to 2018, BEIS commissioned a consortium led by Vivid Economics to provide analysis on future energy innovation needs. The work, and the suite of reports, is referred to as the Energy Innovation Needs Assessments (EINAs).

The EINAs take a whole-system view of the energy sector and provide evidence and analysis on:

  • the role of different technologies in the UK’s future energy system
  • potential domestic and export growth opportunities
  • where innovation support and investment for those technologies could deliver the greatest benefits

A set of sub-theme reports supports the overview.

The views expressed in this report are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of HM Government.

Updates to this page

Published 8 November 2019
Last updated 15 November 2019 show all updates
  1. Road transport sub-theme report added.

  2. First published.

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