Enforcement appeal: information sheet for local planning authorities
Updated 27 June 2018
Customer Support Team
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Direct Line: 0303 444 5000
Email: enquiries@planninginspectorate.gov.uk
If you want to appeal against this enforcement notice you can do it:-
- online at the Appeals Casework Portal; or
- sending us enforcement appeal forms, which can be obtained by contacting us on the details above.
You MUST make sure that we RECEIVE your appeal BEFORE the effective date on the enforcement notice.
Please read the appeal guidance documents at https://www.gov.uk/appeal-enforcement-notice/how-to-appeal.
In exceptional circumstances you may give written notice of appeal by letter or email. You should include the name and contact details of the appellant(s) and either attach a copy of the Enforcement notice that you wish to appeal or state the following:
- the name of the local planning authority;
- the site address; and
- the effective date of the enforcement notice.
We MUST receive this BEFORE the effective date on the enforcement notice. This should immediately be followed by your completed appeal forms.