
Engineer Officer (Fishing Vessel) Class 2 Oral Examination Syllabus

Published 6 May 2014

1. Engineering knowledge

  1. Preparing main and auxiliary machinery for sea, testing of steering gear.
  2. Compilation of engine room log book and understanding of significance of readings taken.
  3. Routine pumping opcra1ions of fuel oil, fresh and sail water and bilge system, location of common faults.
  4. Preparing, starting, coupling and changing over alternators or generators.
  5. Safety precautions to be observed during a watch and the immediate actions to be taken in the event of a fire or accident. including electric shock.
  6. Precautions to be observed to prevent environmental pollution. Emergency equipment, its operation and maintenance. Knowledge of the Code of Safe Working Practice on Fishing Vessels, and knowledge of appropriate M Notices.