English Baccalaureate (EBacc)
Information about the subjects and qualifications that count towards the EBacc.
Applies to England
This information is useful for:
- school leaders
- teachers
- school careers advisers
- parents
- pupils
Find out the percentage of pupils that took an EBacc language in 2018 at your school and compare this with other schools in England.
Read research which explores the higher education destinations of pupils who took different EBacc subjects at GCSE.
Updates to this page
Removed reference to the Russell Group.
Added links to EBacc language subject research reports.
Updated information and guidance for pupils and parents on subjects and qualifications that count towards the EBacc.
Updated references to GCSE grades and added a leaflet for parents.
Updated HTML document to show changes to which qualifications count towards the EBacc and how the accountability measure is changing.
Added a link to the EBacc consultation we ran between November 2015 and January 2016. Also clarified what pupils need to do to pass the English element of the EBacc.
First published.