Enter a restriction: registration (RX1)
Application form RX1 to enter a restriction.
Applies to England and Wales
Use this form to apply for any type of restriction.
Fee and address
Send the completed form with the correct fee to our standard address.
More information
Read more information in practice guide 19: notices, restrictions and the protection of third party interests in the register.
Updates to this page
We have added a warning note to let customers know that if they make an application of this nature without reasonable cause, they may be liable to damages to those who suffer loss as a consequence.
We have added a side note to panel 9 to explain when more than one restriction can be applied for in one form RX1.
We added a guidance note about our personal information charter, which explains how we process customer data. We also added a guidance note to explain that only professional customers will have a key number.
We have added a side note to panel 7 as a result of a change in our procedures. From 11 January 2016 we will change how we send warning of cancellation letters and what they contain.
Advice as to the completion of the form has been added
Added translation