Enterprise Zones application form
This new Enterprise Zones application round will focus on ensuring all places in England can benefit from the programme.
Applies to England
The success of existing Enterprise Zones show that they have reported more than 15,500 jobs, attracted over 480 businesses, and £2.1 billion of private investment up to the end of December 2014.
This new Enterprise Zones application round will focus on ensuring that all places in England can benefit. This will include rural areas where appropriate, and the government encourages towns and districts to work with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) to develop bids.
In this application round preference will be given to proposals which:
- have been clearly identified as the LEPs top local growth priority, and/or
- involve smaller towns, places and districts
Applications for new Enterprise Zones should also demonstrate a strategic fit with area plans for devolved powers and improved governance arrangements.
The application process for a new round of Enterprise Zones is now open. LEPs are invited to begin discussions with local partners about developing proposals. If you have any questions in the first instance please contact the Enterprise Zone Team at enterprisezones@communities.gsi.gov.uk.
Completed applications should be submitted no later than midday on Friday 18 September 2015.
Read the press notice for this new round of applications for Enterprise Zones, published 16 July 2015.
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Published 17 July 2015Last updated 23 July 2015 + show all updates
Final form now added.
First published.