Corporate report

Environment Agency corporate scorecard summary 2024 to 2025 - quarter one

Published 24 October 2024

Applies to England

The corporate scorecard 2024 to 2025 quarter 1 (Q1) starts 1 April 2024 and ends 30 June 2024. The year end is 31 March 2025.

1. Corporate scorecard summary page

The Environment Agency use a red, amber, green system to see how we are performing at a glance. They are:

  • green which means we are performing at or above the targets set
  • amber which means we are falling slightly short of the target
  • red which means there are improvements to be made

This table shows the red, amber, green scores for the 21 measures plus the actual and target figures.

2. A nation resilient to climate change

By 2025 we (the Environment Agency) will have created more climate resilient places and infrastructure, by ensuring the nation is prepared for flooding, coastal change and drought

Measure title Units Q1 actual Q1 target 2024 to 2025 target Q1 status Year end forecast
Number of properties better protected from flooding Number of properties better protected 91,433 90,272 113,272 Green Green
We maintain our flood and coastal risk management assets at or above the target condition Percentage of high risk Environment Agency maintained assets at target condition 92.2% 94.5% 94.5% Red Red

By 2025 we will be a stronger leader on climate adaptation and resilience, encouraging others to act now on the climate emergency

Measure title Units Q1 actual Q1 target 2024 to 2025 target Q1 status Year end forecast
Innovation actions delivered in flood and coastal resilience to adapt to a changing climate Percentage of FCRM innovation actions on track or completed 88% 80% 80% Green Green

By 2025 we will be a recognised and trusted incident management organisation responding rapidly to environmental emergencies to protect people and the environment

Measure title Units Q1 actual Q1 target 2024 to 2025 target Q1 status Year end forecast
Resilience in our capacity to respond to incidents Daily status reports for incident cells Reported at Q2 Reported at Q2 Green status Green Amber

3. Healthy air, land and water

By 2025 our air will be cleaner and healthier

Measure title Units Q1 actual Q1 target 2024 to 2025 target Q1 status Year end forecast
Reduction in priority air pollutants Tonnes (SOx, NOx, PM2.5 and NMVOCs) Reported at Q4 Reported at Q4 4 out of 4 air pollutants showing a reduction on the previous year Reported at Q4 Amber

By 2025 our rivers, lakes, groundwater and coasts will have better water quality and will be better places for people and wildlife

By 2025 our air, land and water is better protected and enhanced

Measure title Units Q1 actual Q1 target 2024 to 2025 target Q1 status Year end forecast
Hectares of habitat created or restored Hectares of habitat created and restored Reported at Q2 Reported at Q2 1,250 Reported at Q2 Amber
We protect people and the environment through effective regulation - permit compliance Percentage compliance of permitted sites Reported at Q4 Reported at Q4 97% Reported at Q4 Green
Reduce incidents from sites we regulate Number of serious category 1 & 2 environmental incidents from permitted sites, activities and sources we regulate directly 135 150 (ceiling target) <150 Green Green
Sewage treatment works brought into compliance Percentage of water quality permitted sites brought back into compliance Reported at Q2 and Q4 Reported at Q2 and Q4 90% Reported at Q2 and Q4 Amber
Water company compliance inspections Number of water company inspections completed 761 356 4,000 Green Green

4. Green growth and a sustainable future

By 2025 we will achieve cleaner growth by supporting businesses and communities to make good choices, through our roles as a regulator, adviser, operator and enabler

Measure title Units Q1 actual Q1 target 2024 to 2025 target Q1 status Year end forecast
Local authority planning applications influenced Percentage of local authority planning decisions 96% 97% 97% Amber Green
Percentage of development consent orders (DCOs) for nationally significant infrastructure projects (NSIPs) that we successfully influence Percentage of DCOs that we successfully influence 100% 97% 97% Green Green
Industry compliance reduces carbon emissions Percentage of compliance returns received 95% 80% 80% Green Green
Number of farm inspections Number of farm inspections completed 1,028 977 4,000 Green Green

By 2025 we will have cut waste crime and helped develop a circular economy

Measure title Units Q1 actual Q1 target 2024 to 2025 target Q1 status Year end forecast
We stop illegal waste sites Number of high risk illegal waste sites stopped 20 17 90 Green Green

By 2025 we will be on track to deliver our sustainable business commitments, including to be net zero by 2030

Measure title Units Q1 actual Q1 target 2024 to 2025 target Q1 status Year end forecast
Net zero carbon by 2030 Tonnes of carbon 78,658 62,674 (ceiling target) <250,697 Red Red

4.1 Enabling outcomes: life enhancing organisation - how we will deliver our actions: our people and our values

Measure title Units Q1 actual Q1 target 2024 to 2025 target Q1 status Year end forecast
Efficiency savings - cash releasing grant in-aid £ million Reported at Q2 and Q4 Reported at Q2 and Q4 £15 million Reported at Q2 and Q4 Reported at Q2 and Q4
Efficiency savings - charges £ million Reported at Q2 and Q4 Reported at Q2 and Q4 £8 million Reported at Q2 and Q4 Reported at Q2 and Q4
We have a diverse workforce: a) Percentage of staff from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds Percentage of staff Reported at Q2 and Q4 Reported at Q2 and Q4 7.6% Reported at Q2 and Q4 Reported at Q2 and Q4
We have a diverse workforce: b) Percentage of senior staff who are female Percentage of staff Reported at Q2 and Q4 Reported at Q2 and Q4 50% Reported at Q2 and Q4 Reported at Q2 and Q4
Minimise time lost to work related injuries Lost time incident frequency rate per 100,000 hours 0.10 0.11 <0.11 Green Green