
Environment Agency: application made to abstract water

Published 23 May 2019

This notice was withdrawn on

The consultation period for this application has ended. You can view current licences on the Public Registers.

Applies to England

Details of the application

The Environment Agency has applied to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for a licence.

The Environment Agency is giving notice of this application in accordance with Section 37 of the Water Resources Act 1991 and Paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 of the Water Resources (Abstraction and Impounding) Regulations 2006.

The application is for a licence to transfer water from the River Trent at National Grid Reference (NGR) SK 81394 99452 to the adjacent Snow Sewer at NGR SK 81344 99434.

The application is to abstract water as follows:

  • 16,848 cubic metres per day.
  • At an instantaneous rate of 1,170 litres per second.
  • Between 01 May and 30 September inclusive in each year.

The water will be used for the purpose of ecological support during periods of prolonged dry weather to prevent fish mortality in the Snow Sewer.

Further details of the proposal are:

The abstraction point is located within the Lower Trent and Erewash abstraction licensing strategy area. The transfer will take place only at times of favourable outward tide for no more than four hours in any one continuous period, and will cease once the level in the Snow Sewer has been raised from the trigger level of 1.1 metres Above Ordnance Datum to the target of 1.8 metres Above Ordnance Datum. The licence will be subject to a HOF (Hands Off Flow) condition of 2,650 Megalitres per day in accordance with the abstraction licensing strategy, and HOL (Hands Off Level) condition of 3 metres Above Ordnance Datum.

How to view the application

You can view the application and supporting documents, during normal office hours at the Environment Agency:

Trentside Offices
Scarrington Road
West Bridgford

You can view a summary of the application, during normal office hours, on the Public Register at:

Trentside Offices
Scarrington Road
West Bridgford

How to comment on the application

Send any representation about this application in writing, quoting the name of the applicant and reference number NPS/WR/029671 to the Environment Agency at:

Permitting and Support Centre
Water Resources Team
Quadrant 2
99 Parkway Avenue
S9 4WF

Online: view and comment on the application using Citizen Space

Or by email to:

By 20 June 2019.

After 20 June 2019 the Environment Agency will be able to grant a licence authorising the proposal. The licence shall be viewed as granted, unless the Secretary of State, either as a result of any representations made about the proposal or otherwise, instructs or asks for an application to be made to them.

For advice about how to make a representation call 03708 506 506.