Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) Regulations 2009: Guidance for England and Wales
This guidance aims to provide help for those seeking to better understand the requirements and practical application of the regulations.
This guidance aims to provide help for those seeking to better understand the requirements and practical application of the Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (England) Regulations 2009 and the Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (Wales) Regulations 2009.
It describes the main provisions of the Regulations and in particular when the Regulations apply and what is required by whom when they do. It sets out the views of the Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs and the Welsh Assembly Government on how they should be applied and how particular terms should be interpreted. Guidance will be published separately for Northern Ireland and Scotland. The guidance also explains where to go for further information. It is not statutory guidance.
The guidance is aimed at those carrying out activities that may cause imminent threats of ‘environmental damage’ or actual ‘environmental damage’, the authorities responsible for enforcing the Regulations and those who are interested more widely in the application of the Regulations. More technical aspects of guidance (such as on determining whether there is ‘environmental damage’ and how to determine what measures are appropriate as remediation) are contained within the annexes.
The guidance supplements the quick guide to the Regulations.
Annual reports on Environmental Liability incidents recorded by UK regulators are available.